
North American Pitcher plant in flower

North American Pitcher plant in flower

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youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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That's fascinating Sacky,and so MANY flowers out at once. You would take 1st prize in the potted plant section at the Highlands Garden Society I'm sure with that one.
26/Jun/13 1:23 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Sorry Ykm. I need to give a better description. There is only 1 flower in this photo. It is the rounded shape in about th e middle of the photo. The other funnel like structures are modified leaves down which the insects fall and provide the plant's food. They grow in a very boggy environment, so I keep them wet and in as much sun as I can.
26/Jun/13 3:41 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Yes, now I CAN see a flower shape. But arn't the funnels interesting and a wonderful colour. Have you been able to identify what insects get caught ?
Is there a ''perfume'' which would attract bees or flies or mosquitos.
26/Jun/13 3:55 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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I think blowflies will become their staple diet here, though I'm not averse to feeding them any European wasp that have the misfortune to come inside the house.
26/Jun/13 5:19 PM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
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I live in North America and have never seen such an interesting plant! I can spot the flower blossom also!
26/Jun/13 9:49 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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18/Jul/13 2:58 PM
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