Black-throated Blue Warbler Dendroica caerulescens

Black-throated Blue Wablers show counter-color camoflage. When you look at them from above, you see a dark blue which blends into the dark earth, and from beneath you see the white of its belly against the sky. It has just leaped from its perch just a few feet above me.

Black-throated Blue Wablers show counter-color camoflage. When you look at them from above, you see a dark blue which blends into the dark earth, and from beneath you see the white of its belly against the sky. It has just leaped from its perch just a few feet above me.

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   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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The coloring reminds me of what I think of as 'nature's wisdom'. Got his work cut out for him navigating around those thorns!
10/Nov/09 4:59 AM
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