Black Racer (Coluber constrictor) on My Front Walkway

One afternoon, I walked round the corner of my house from out the back, and saw this Black Racer soaking up the heat from the bricks, just before sundown. It lives somewhere nearby, I see it regularily. The animal is about three feet long in this photo from July 16, 2009. I saw it yesterday, and I think it is now over a meter. They can reach almost 2 meters.

One afternoon, I walked round the corner of my house from out the back, and saw this Black Racer soaking up the heat from the bricks, just before sundown. It lives somewhere nearby, I see it regularily. The animal is about three feet long in this photo from July 16, 2009. I saw it yesterday, and I think it is now over a meter. They can reach almost 2 meters.

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   Rayray  From Yorks & E.Sussex    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Jim: I hope you can outrace the critter.
29/Oct/09 6:19 AM
   Jim  From Jupiter    Supporting Member
Check out my page
This animal died yesterday when a car ran over it. I hope it was unintentional
05/May/10 10:49 PM
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