This kookaburra stayed in this stretched position for about 2 minutes.

This kookaburra stayed in this stretched position for about 2 minutes.

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Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
Check out my page
Neat photo. I didn't realize they could ever look that skinny!
12/Aug/13 1:18 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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Me either, Dottie.
12/Aug/13 1:30 PM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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It's hard to believe that is a Kookaburra!
There must be some significance in the posture, especially since he (she?)held it for so long. Either a territorial warning or a mating posture, would be interesting to find out.
12/Aug/13 10:30 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania    Supporting Member
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He didn't seemed to be concerned about anything, Ykm. He sat there in various positions for at east 10 minutes, then flew off to a tree about 10m away.
13/Aug/13 12:10 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Looks like it's trying to be a Tawny Frogmouth!!! They often have that stretched out, trying to be a log appearance.
Sat in the backyard with hubby having a cup of tea years ago & i kept looking at one of my pots on the fence, because it looked different, suddenly realized it was a Tawny Frogmouth!!
In case you haven't had one to visit:
14/Aug/13 2:12 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
Check out my page
That is a great photo!
14/Aug/13 2:13 PM
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