
My son's new "toy" on the left.

My son's new "toy" on the left.

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   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I prefer the Triumph too Anne! My Dad had a Harley before he got married. Used to ride it up from Canberra (where he was stationed at the time - he was in the RAAF) to visit Mum & they used to go to balls on it - I would have loved to have seen that! Can't imagine my Mum in a ball gown on the back of a bike! She used to sit side saddle! Paul has a BSA he bought new in 1973, at the moment it's in bits waiting to be restored - more than 12yrs he started this restoration!
09/May/08 10:22 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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When I get over to Albany Anne, I expect a ride on Aarom's bike, and you can drive!
16/May/08 8:53 AM
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