Mass Beachings Call For Mass Treatment

These animals are all live and about to be released - but must receive tags first. Turtles act passively when upside down, but normally no one ever does this, it is rough on them physically. But they did not have 200 helpers to hold more than 25 animals down. Scientists from 4 seperate institutions are at work in this scene.

These animals are all live and about to be released - but must receive tags first. Turtles act passively when upside down, but normally no one ever does this, it is rough on them physically. But they did not have 200 helpers to hold more than 25 animals down. Scientists from 4 seperate institutions are at work in this scene.

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   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
Check out my page
I would say it will be a long time, if ever again, that will get to take a pic like this! Amazing!!
15/Jan/10 11:19 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Truly amazing, Jim!
18/Jan/10 3:30 AM
Sue  From Germany
Check out my page
I'm really glad they are alive
18/Jan/10 8:05 PM
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