The Very Hairy Caterpillar

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   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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Looks like someone has misplaced their moustache!
05/Mar/14 10:48 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Good one, Peter! Maybe it's Hercule Poirot's!
No, too untidy & it isn't black!
05/Mar/14 12:56 PM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
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It's a good thing you told us it's a caterpillar. With how long those hairs are, I'm not sure I would have guessed it was in there.
05/Mar/14 3:33 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Kinda looks like my hairy caterpillar.
05/Mar/14 3:44 PM
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