Bugs on a blackberry

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youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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They are very ''pretty'' bugs; any idea what they are, and do they damage the crop?
22/Feb/13 11:12 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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I've contacted a website on Tasmanian insects to find out. I'm waiting for their reply. I don't know if they are harmful or not.
22/Feb/13 11:16 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Great photo, Sacky. Such a pretty bug but not a friendly one! Hope you get rid of the sap sucker - unless you want to get rid of the (illegal - up here) blackberry plant!
Looks like a Harlequin Bug, aka Cotton Harlequin Bug.
See Jewel-backed bugs (scroll down to bottom of page):
06/Mar/13 7:51 PM
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