Port Arthur, Tasmania

Once a brutal penal settlement, most of the buildings are now in ruins.

Once a brutal penal settlement, most of the buildings are now in ruins.

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   Jim  From Jupiter    Supporting Member
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Isn't 'brutal' a bit redundant when we talk of 'penal colony?'

Are there "delightful penal colonies?"

Actually Tasmania and the USA are linked: before Australia/Tasmania was Britain's dumping ground for its unsavory criminals, they were sent to Georgia. When Georgia and the USA sucessfully rebelled, The Crown need a new place for its outcasts. What could be better than the opposite side of the planet?
02/Feb/09 3:45 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
Check out my page
Some penal settlements were worse than others - Port Arthur was one of the worst! :(
19/Feb/09 10:56 AM
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