12x12 sudoku

Submitted By: Goldie from San Diego

Anyone knows where I can find blank grids of 12x12 sudokus so I can enter my own puzzles? The one we have here is only for 9x9 sudoku...Thanks!
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Daplap  From PA
Check out my page
Do you have Microsoft Word? If so, you can create your own grid. Will be happy to assist you if you would like.
07/Sep/10 12:45 AM
Goldie  From San Diego
Check out my page
I do have Microsoft Word but I don't believe I could made my own grid. In addition, I'd like to have it set up like it is on here so I can write the possible numbers and check if they are correct and such...Know what I mean?? Anyways, this is a great idea..thank you! Goldie
07/Sep/10 12:56 AM
Daplap  From PA
Check out my page
No, it wouldn't check - would just be a blank grid. Do let me know if you want to do that, and I'll be glad to help.
07/Sep/10 1:57 AM
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