Updated my details

Submitted By: cassar from australia. victoria

updated my details says successfully updated, signed out then tried to sign in again says it does not reconize me not the user name or password yet i go to the origanal email and hit the verify link and I'm logged in can any one help with this or is there an email address for sudoku. It also says an email has been sent and yet i"ve never got no email sent to me to verify the changes
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   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
Check out my page
Update my details does not work. It takes me to Easy. The photo is missing for the caption that is still on top of my page, and I cannot put a photo on the page because I cannot update my details.
24/Nov/18 7:50 AM
Abdellah Machmoum  From Casablanca
Check out my page
Download Sudoku from google play store
12/Jun/19 11:00 AM
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