Health & Fitness

Submitted By: rosemary from wangaratta

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   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Angie, thanks for the good advice. My sister does exactly that, has for some time, and has lost 50 pounds. Mo, California has been that strict on smoking for years. Everybody is used to it now. I'm shocked when I travel and go into a smoke filled restaurant. It just seems wrong.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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ok,I have been watching in the shadows and have been dieting too,but...first I will say 8 years ago on Valentines Day I quit smoking and had gained 45lbs,mostly because of using food for comfort,then South Beach diet book came out and I got it and started it ,I followed it and I'll be darned if I didn't lose 8lbs in 2 weeks!so I followed as it said low carb ,low fat eating only whole grains,brown rice,sweet potatoes (no white)no sugar ,1% milk you get the picture,I lost all of it ,weight lose slows up as you introduce the good carbs in your diet but I keeps coming off.
So Mom got sick and I slowly started eating ...for comfort and slowly I gained some ,no all back but went back on my diet the jan 9 this is feb 7 and I lost 8lbs so far,I want to lose 10 more and keep it off this time ,If your not familiar with it Arthur Agatston,M.D. he's a cardiologist,who developed it for his patients I highly recommend it !
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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fantastic effort and some great advice for those struggling with a plan that suits their needs. keep up the great work. the battle is not over when we lose it, it is to keep it off also.
water of course

   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Where have the last 2 weeks of posts gone today is 8/9th February
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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It all came back by magic
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hello all..Well, I have just finished reading all 7 pages of comments. What a great support group.
Last Sunday I weighed myself and I am 74kg. I would like to be anything under 70kg, the more the better of course but under 70kg would be soooo good. I have rid the house of anything bad (Mark is still I have been riding my exercise bike for half an hour a day. Weigh in tomorrow. I sure hope I see a loss.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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I have a question. I have pin pointed my bad time (which is when I eat anything I can get my hands on) and it is when I get home from work at 3-30pm. I eat choc biscuits, minties, cake, ice blocks and I mean all of them not just one of them. What can I eat that will tide me over until dinner? I have been having a bowl of cereal instead and it seems to satisfy me and I figured it had to be better than the rubbish written above.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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I have breakfast at 6am...lunch at 10am (seems early but that's when I am allowed to have my break at work). I work until 3pm so I go 5 hours or so before I can eat and that's why I pig out when I get home.
I must get myself a pedometer as I would love to know how many steps I take a day. It seems to be working with all of you and if I can see how many I might just try to up them. I have a treadmill but after being on my fet all day the last thing I feel like doing is being on them on the treadmill so decided to do the exercise bike.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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well done for getting yourself fitter and healthier.
You have a different problem to the rest of us, a problem of balancing time to meals. You could try some Vita wheat with vegemite or tomato on, or multigrain salada instead. Fruit is good, unsalted nuts are ok. A yoghurt or fruche.
Make sure you have a range of things that you can eat that will tide you over without being a heavy meal. Multigrain muffins are another option toasted with vegemite ot tomato or some other suitable topping. Make sure you dont have those other things in the cupboard that tempt you at least for a while till you are over the craving.
hope that has helped.
water of course
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Thanks Rose......all chocolates, biscuits, cakes etc have been removed. I took a bag of potato chips (the 30 individual pack ones)to work the other day and gave them to a fellow worker for her two girls. I am having weight watchers ice cream (individual containers) for dessert.
I like the idea of vita wheat with vegemite or tomato, will get some tomorrow. The cereal leaves me feeling a bit heavy/bloated.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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How many snack things can you have? Would two vita wheat be enough? Or can I have two vita wheat and a yoghurt? I never know...I swear my full switch doesn't work anymore so I never know when I have had enough, I just go on what I have eaten and think 'okay, I should stop now'.
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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Deb - get your pedometer and sign up with the 10,000 steps programme. It is free and run by Central Queensland University at Rockhampton. It keeps me on the straight and narrow knowing I'll put my steps on site every day.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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I am definately getting myself a pedometer. I'm really quite shocked as I weighed myself this morning (it's been a week) and I have lost 1kg. I can't believe it and it hasn't been that hard, although I'm really not a fan of exercise and push myself to do it. I only hope that the needle on the scales continues to go to the left. I really am flabbergasted
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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a couple of vita wheat and a tub of no fat yoghurt or 4 vita wheat. vary it a bit so that you keep the body guessing. there are a few new dry biscuits like vita wheat too but with a bit more taste.
Great effort on the kilo weight loss. you are off to a great start.
   GrannieMo  From South West France    Supporting Member
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I have weighed in a day early as we are off to sunny Spain in the next hour or so.
Not good news I'm afraid and just before a holiday plus 0.5kg There will be no scales in the camper so will have to rely on the waistbands of my trousers.
I will keep in touch whenever there is an internet café nearby.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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enjoy your holiday and lots of walking in sunny spain.
Angie  From Wisconsin
Feb 11 (the 12th for most of you) 10:30am CST

Welcome Deb!! Glad you have joined our united effort to become healthy!

This past week has been quite a strain on my life. As most of you know, this is SMOKE-FREE day 7. I have not gained any additional weight beyond the 2 initial pounds that landed on my thighs sometime in the middle of the night. I am now 6 pounds from my goal weight, BUT I quit smoking early, so I'm being little easy on myself. On top of trying to lose weight and quit smoking, my kids all got the flu. My oldest has the respitory kind, both my boys have the respitory and the stomach flu. Oh yeah, and my kitchen plumbing decided to leak in several different places this week also. It's been hectic and even with all that has gone on, I haven't lit up. Not even once. Oh the temptation, but I will prevail! I am stronger than the smoke!
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Well done Angie. The hardest is over. Don't let down your guard.

Great start Deb.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Good on you, Angie. Seven days is fantastic!!
Giving up smoking and losing weight at the same time is an extraordinary effort...
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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great effort, so much stress and you have stayed strong. You must be very proud of yourself.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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just posted weigh in details for this week on my page
it is BOOO HOOO this week not WOOO HOOO
no weight loss but some loss in measurements so not totally bad week.
Just walked home from dropping car off at auto electricians, 6000 steps, so off to a good start for this week.
hope everyone is feeling fitter and healthier.
water of course
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Just had my mammogram and ultrasound and all is good. Now to make an appointment for a pap smear. Last one a couple of months ago came back 'abnormal' but they say not to panic about it. Would like another one though now to make sure everything IS okay...
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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I am doing the whole overhaul!!!!!
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Hey Rose....good on you!!! Okay so no weight loss but inches loss.....sounds good. I should have measured myself as well. Oh well, I will just have to see if my clothes feel a little looser as the time goes on. You seem to be walking everywhere!!!!
Mamacita 2  From PA.
My regrouping did wonders for my spirit, but nothing for the old body....I tried really hard, yet lost no weight! I'm not going to worry about it since I still weigh less than I did when I started, and the rest of the weight will go. I am disappointed though! I got spoiled seeing the downward trend. Better luck to me next week. Its been great seeing everyone else doing so well, so I can claim success vicariously any Good to have you newbies joining in the move to become more fit.We're all going to feel and look so much better this summer(for USA)/winter(those who share the Aussie weather), we'll all be comparing notes on our new wardrobes and shopping experiences.....won't that be fun! Weight will go!!! Continued success to everyone.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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nice to see you back posting. a rest for your body and mind occasionally is good for you.
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Weigh in report for week 6: I stayed the same, good news because I expected to gain while traveling. More information on my page. Reading what everybody else wrote, it seems we are all in slow down mode. Not to be disheartened. Plateaus are part of the program. It is like catching your breath before the next onslaught.
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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fantastic effort, so glad it is going well for you and that you enjoyed your time away also.
water of course
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Back in town after my solo week away de-stressing. Of course that meant I was not super-vigilant on the food front, had some wine, chocolate and other goodies (I call it soul food). But I did go for a walk along the beach every day. I'll weigh myself in the morning and see what the damage is!!
Angie  From Wisconsin
After several tries, I'm posting again. I must have something in my posts that are not letting me through. Here goes....

Sat Feb 17 (the 18th for most of you) 12noon
Day 13 no smoking. It's getting harder instead of easier. (It was so much easier to quit smoking while I was pregnant!) I went out again last night as I am without the kids for the weekend. Nothing like making a person want to light up. A whole bar full of people puffing away. I resisted, and won yet another battle. After all evening of wanting one, I then had to drive home (about 45 minutes). As I always smoked in my car, it's been a battle in itself everytime I go somewhere. I prevailed! The past 2 weeks have brought stress and headaches, and I still haven't given in once. Did I mention that all my friends smoke with the exception of a real good friend who has never smoked. All I have to say is that I am glad that bars around here do not put out little bowls of peanuts or popcorn or snack mix, or I would have worked my way around the room until they were all empty. I have successfully lost the 2 nagging pounds (the ones that crept onto my thighs in middle of the night 2 weeks ago), and I'm not going to let them back.
That's all for today. Keep on going everyone! United we prevail, Divided we fail!
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Today is my weigh in for week 2. I have lost another kilo. I am truly amazed!! I have been very good and no rubbish food and I am doing my half hour exercise bike ride everyday. Gave it a miss on Thursday though (fell asleep )
I only have about 3kg to go as my goal is to be under 70kg. If I only end up at 69kg I will be happy. If it's less than that I will be over the moon. 72kg is 160 pounds so my scale says.
   Deb  From Brisbane    Supporting Member
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Angie you are doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!! So many temptations and you are resisting them all. You must be very strong willed or your mind is absolutely set on giving up for good. Stay strong.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Keep it up, Angie!! Well done, Deb. My gain was only a kilo for my wicked week, so not too bad.
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Deb, I've found eating more protein for breakfast and lunch helps stop the afternoon munch-fest. So, I've been having baked beans, eggs and lean bacon for breakfast, fish and salad for lunch. Handfuls of raw nuts are okay in moderation.
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Angie, very impressive resistance. Don't let your guard down. It does get easier. Deb, good for you. CP, it is so hard to be successful away from home. Get back at it with a vengance.
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Angie ,if you need help go to your Doctor,you'd be amazed at the new drugs for quiting smoking ,as I posted the other day ,I quit on Zyban but the new one is Chantix and I've heard very good things about it,on Zyban when I would get a craving it was here and gone before you got uncomfortable ,it truly was a god send,theres no way I could have done it without it you CAN do it!and ARE doing it!
   rosemary  From wangaratta    Supporting Member
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Have just posted my weigh in details on my page with a small loss of .3 kg. total 7.2kgs
good effort for another kilogram loss
did you find Debs kilo this week?
not a big price to pay for a week of relaxation
you are doing a fantastic job without those horrible ciggies, stay strong and just know how healthy you will feel without them.
water of course

   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Ta Rose and Keith for nice words. I'm sure it is Deb's kilo I found, must've blown down with the heavy rain I drove through on my way to the coast.
Angie  From Wisconsin
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful words! I want you all to know that I read everything you write and that I am cheering you on as well, you just can't see me.

Deb - quit sharing your kilo's. LOL! No one else wants them either!
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Weigh in report for week 7: I was hard on myself because of no loss last week while out of town. I've lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in for a total loss of 16 pounds since the beginning of the year. I didn't miss a day of exercise and ate carefully all week. Feeling good.

May the rest of you be finding success as well.
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