"The Mom" song, sung to the William Tell Overture

"The Mom" song, sung to the William Tell Overture, by Anita Renfroe.
What a mom says in 24 hours, condensed into 2 minutes and 55 seconds! Hilarious and talented!

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If only a woman would shut up after 2 minutes and 55 seconds. Man, I'd love to see that.
09/Dec/07 3:28 AM
Little ∝  From East of East Coast
For anyone who has seen the classic movie, ''A Clockwork Orange'' by Stanley Kubrick, this clip brings back a lot of memories of little Alex and a couple of girls.
10/Dec/07 1:14 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
Check out my page
Lovely song.Thanks
23/Feb/08 3:31 AM
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