Wa4moe from US

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   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Wa4moe! Glad to have you join us here in Sudokuland. I look forward to meeting you on the puzzle pages. Cheers!
12/May/10 12:35 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Welcome to your own page on the site Wa4moe. That's an unusual name your parents gave you. Ejoy your time here, and let us know your real name! Cheers!
12/May/10 7:29 AM
Wa4moe  From US
Check out my page
Ah ha, thanks for the welcome, Friends. The "name " is actually my ham radio callsign. That's something I can remember almost as well as my given name.
But I am a game player and want to see some techniques for better solving....
12/May/10 12:33 PM
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