J. A. Sydney Opera House in Lego

This Lego model of the Sydney Opera House is made from almost 3000 pieces. It took me almost ten days to assemble. Since my mobility is so compromised I now enjoy building in Lego rather than restoring cars.

This Lego model of the Sydney Opera House is made from almost 3000 pieces. It took me almost ten days to assemble. Since my mobility is so compromised I now enjoy building in Lego rather than restoring cars.

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   Silvergal  From South Carolina
Check out my page
Silverteen enjoys playing Legos with the children she watches. Both S'Guy and I had them growing up, and we've still got a stash.
19/Aug/15 7:19 AM
Joyce  From Flower City
Check out my page
What an undertaking - marvelous!
19/Aug/15 9:09 AM
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