Northern Territory / Kimberely, W.A.

Down on the ground at last, after a hairy landing almost crabbing it sideway with a side wind and just making the runway as we touched down. It was a dirt runway and we were heading slightly to the left of it until we touched. What a relief!
A view of the unusual Bungle Bungle Rock formations.

Down on the ground at last, after a hairy landing almost crabbing it sideway with a side wind and just making the runway as we touched down. It was a dirt runway and we were heading slightly to the left of it until we touched. What a relief! A view of the unusual Bungle Bungle Rock formations.

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   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page
This reminds me so much of our desert southwest.
26/Sep/09 11:42 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
Check out my page
I agree, Vici. And, boy, does it look dry! The rocks against the sky are amazing.
28/Sep/09 12:50 AM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
Check out my page
If you walked away from it, then it was a good landing.
13/Aug/11 2:31 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
Check out my page
Those cross-wind landings are fun, aren't they Anne.
15/Feb/12 7:58 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
Check out my page
Oh, yeah. Nice picture.
15/Feb/12 7:59 AM
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