A backyard denizen

This fellow caught a bird about 30 minutes before I took this. You can see a bulge in the body to the right of the pole above the coil at the bottom of the picture. Any herpetologists out there who can identify the snake.

This fellow caught a bird about 30 minutes before I took this. You can see a bulge in the body to the right of the pole above the coil at the bottom of the picture. Any herpetologists out there who can identify the snake.

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   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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Yeowwww! At this point, I don't think he'd make an easy squeeze through the eye of the bolt.
23/Jul/15 8:49 AM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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Hal, I think it's a grey rat snake.

Check the link.

23/Jul/15 7:53 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
Check out my page
It's a ''Stay Far Away From Me'' snake!
The clarity in this photo is wonderful.
24/Jul/15 1:58 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
Check out my page
An I'm not hungry any more snake. You're right Silvergal. I don't know if they can slither in reverse!
22/Dec/15 1:49 PM
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