Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) Cries Out

Today (December 21, 2009) I stopped at Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. Before I could leave the parking lot, I came across three Sandhill Cranes. I took a few photos, and said "Good-bye" - when they suddenly started calling out! Many of these cranes have been healed at BWS, and when they are ready to leave, these birds 'self-release' by flying away. Some visit again later.

Today (December 21, 2009) I stopped at Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. Before I could leave the parking lot, I came across three Sandhill Cranes. I took a few photos, and said "Good-bye" - when they suddenly started calling out! Many of these cranes have been healed at BWS, and when they are ready to leave, these birds 'self-release' by flying away. Some visit again later.

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   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hmmm let me guess! The Sandhill Cranes were calling "kar-r-r-o-o-o! kar-r-r-o-o-o!" I hope you told them it is 'Kangar-r-o-o-o!'
He looks wonderfully healthy and confident, a great capture, BLH! xx
22/Dec/09 11:05 PM
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