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Medium Sudoku for 18/October/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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carol  From canada
8:59 - good morning - am I the first????
b  From p
b  From p
Got the numbers. Awful time - got distracted by Bowie. Like the earrings the cows are wearing
Peter  From ON
13:03 slow but did it without using 'possibilities'
sweetie  From us
7:51 how sad - moooooo
lily  From calgary
11:07 - good thing I don't do Sudoku to boost my self-esteem! Lisa - what's the word on little Sue?
Lisa  From Colorado
13:55 okay, got my Sudoku fix, now I can mooove on with my day. Tee hee!
RLN  From St. Louis
5:19 Cropped cows?
andre  From england
No Numbers therefore time 3 seconds!
Thought for the Day:
Coffee. Chocolate. Men. Some things are better rich.
Steve  From Ohio
phooey- forgot timer-- best guess is about 12:00, alas
Bill  From Woolwich London UK
Hi everyone. We have had holidays on a dairy farm with the children. The cows were curious and always came over to see what our children were doing. Hope all is going well with Lisa and the baby, our prayers are with you.
andre  From england
Now they give me numbers and what do i get 13:13!! obvious i'm an alphabet lady.
peggy  From montreal
6:58 medium is getting thougher?
to whoever is interested... it's 8 deg celcius here... snow is coming
Josie  From Olalla WA
I like the cows. I like hamburgers too.
Donna  From Ohio
4:49, not good for me. Looks like my relatives 'In-laws' that is. Only kidding, I think. Going to try hard and maybe it will be easier than medium.
John  From Colorado
You know they stand on their hind legs when no one's looking, don't you?
Ginger  From Calgary Canada
Cows???!!! Time not worth mentioning.
di  From mackay oz
8.46 bet the cows could get it out faster than me.Mind you,I had to rescue a flying frypan in the middle of it.Not domestic violence or even domestic goddess,just a cranky leaping cat.Cat - 1,Frying pan - nil.
K  From
Kathy  From Texas
cows outstanding in their field - good jokes andre - lol
andre  From england
Josie from Olalla WA you make me laugh and Kathy from Texas, lol spot on :)))
andre  From england
and di from mackay oz :)))
people have really good sense of humour on this site it makes me giggle all the time which is good must do some work, well mashed potatoes, not really work that pays!!
BJ  From MI
5:12 Three cows. My husbands favorite meal.
Legs  From Wales
First cow says, 'what do you think about this mad cow disease ?' 2nd one says, 'doesn't effect me mate, I'm a giraffe !' (sorry)
Gilles  From France
07:52 good time for me today
Tina  From Muskogee,OK
10:03...Nothing to brag on, Oh well. Anybody ever hear of 'cow tipping'?
Elizabeth  From Masterton in New Zealand
Hey - where's the numbers gone - got a blank board - and I wanted to see the cows!!
Rosa  From Devon
11.46 moo cows! Lots of them in Devon. Beautiful day today, not that I saw much of it in office, school, etc. Blah blah. Oh stop it! So Tina from Muskogee, what is 'cow tipping'?
Donna  From Ohio
Elizabeth from Masterton in New Zealand, sometimes you have to hit the refresh button to get the numbers to appear.
Ian  From Surrey, UK
11:12 way off pace
Elizabeth  From Masterton, NZ
Thanks Donna - got it now
Pam  From Canada
Tina from Muskogee......... yes I've heard of cow tipping........ only seen it once though...!
Rob  From Liverpool
14:16..Looks like I'm the slowest here......Do I get a prize ??
Pam  From Canada
aprox 10 mins........ forgot to turn timer back on but that would have to be close........ nice cows......they always have such sad looking eyes!
lisa  From toronto
6:40 liked the cows. very placid. cow tipping was very big were I grew up. lovely stupid, stupid creatures. still no baby
Jas  From Melbourne
Much prefer cows to sheep. Now THEY are stupid.Thanks Lisa for letting us know you are still with us but baby still firmly staying put. Good luck.
Max Der Alte  From New Jersey, USA
Cows are pleasant, mellow, easy to get along with. Calves are cute, funny. Heifers, on the other hand, are 800 pound teenagers!
elaine  From quebec
11:51 de jolies vaches campagnardes
Lyndal  From Sydney Australia
8:52.. from all the comments i thought the cows would be doing something funny... i'm disappointed now...
John  From Stafford UK
4.52 Fast today, only because I made some good guesses. Hello to you all
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