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Easy Sudoku for 22/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Peter  From PCB FL
4:00 First? But not fastest
fiona  From smartieland
I have become a smartie - does the world know what smarties are or do we need another global explanation?
Bill  From Darwin
I'm just glad that i'm not a part of this party. I think that i lost the poetic part of me about 20 years ago. I don't think that I could keep up with you.
Fiona leave Ted alone. Your half of his problem.
Donna  From Ohio
2:28, Peter, how did you get on so fast, it is only 9:04a here and the new puzzle comes on at 9a. When I came on at 9:01a you already were signed in?
fiona  From abandoning ted
Okay Bill - he's all covered in hocolate and I'm delivering him to you - I've got to go find a costume. you will look after him, won't you - he's not all bad
Jodie  From Sunderland, England
5:23 good for me! That baby looks sooo cute!
Kathy  From Valrico
Where is everybody today?? Florida is fastest on comments, if not solving!!!
Hi - 4:10 - ok. Mad Baby!?
Gail  From TX
Well I am no smartie so 7:59 isn't bad
trevene  From Trinidad
smarties are a chocolate filled coloured snack very delicious sinfull and of course fattening
Sue  From Niceville
5:02...just can't get below 5.
trevene  From Trinidad
smarties are a chocolate filled coloured snack very delicious sinfull and of course fattening
but what is a hocolate??
fiona  From the smartie tube
you're not keeping up Trevene! I think Col or Cathy or andré are the hocolate experts, but as they're all in disguise it might be difficult to get an answer - they'll be on later. Hocolate is an uncountable noun wich means you can't say 'a' hocolate, or 'hocolates', only 'some' hocolate!
andrĂ©  From england
5:11 finding it difficult to concentrate lol the party is something!! Hi all and fi we'll look after Ted although i'm guessing he may be ok big smile :)

Joke for the Day:

Why do they bury lawyers in 20ft holes? Because deep down they're all really nice guys.
Tracy  From Denver & Wales
4.19 morning all....
Trevene  From Trinidad
why do i keep duplicating my self?????????
Rob  From Liverpool
Trevene  From Trinidad
What????? Fiona little slow today Huhhhh?????
Annette  From UK
2.19 a good result for me
Nicky  From Northants
That baby looks as cold as I feel:)
Marie  From Florida
What a 'cute' baby!
Charmaine  From Perth Western Australia
It is still the 21st November here(11.00pm) so does that mean I am doing tomorrows puzzle today. Where is it the 22nd in the northern hemisphere when it is 11.00 pm in Western Australia.
GiGi  From Sylacauga Alabama
3:19..A blonde with two red ears went to her doctor. The doctor asked her what had happened to her ears and she answered, 'I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang - but instead of picking up the phone I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.'
'Oh Dear!' the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. 'But. what happened to your other ear?' 'The SOB called back.'

Jo  From bellingham usa
2:51 have a great day planet!
Gilles.j.benoit  From montreal
Hello everybody, It's 10:05 am here and the puzzle was done in 3:46. Bonne journee et vive le hockey (Montreal Canadien ) !!!!
Glenn  From Orlando
3:24 and I flew through the puzzle - at least it was flying for me. I don't think I could match these fastest times if I had the solution in front of me and simply had to click on the appropriate spaces! You folks are amazing!! I guess I will just have to keep on doing the puzzles for the fun of it and in the hopes that it will help me keep my brain working so I don't get Alzheimer's one day...
margareth  From Indonesia
2:21 not so bad for me..:D
Ginger  From Calgary Canada
I with you Glenn! 3:59 for me - this was a really easy one!
sweetie  From us
3:20 and please, give that little baby boy a shirt- he looks cold and mad!
john  From england
2:41. That baby has mad eyes !!!
Zann  From Kansas
2:13 Stay warm, everybody.
di  From mackay oz
2.48.I'm with you,sweetie.He certainly looks either mad,cold or constipated.(possibly all three?)
lily  From calgary
2:46 - lisa from toronto - we haven't heard from you for awhile - hope all is well with the family.
dan  From Wisconsin USA
3:00 flat. Faced with the ontological demands of an existence that cannot be defined, explained, or even proven, can one not wonder that all humans should share in this infant's angst? I want my mommie!
Aristotle  From South-Africa
Damn I'm slow!!!!
catherine  From france
What's happened to this baby?
Wool bonnet, sash and mitten weather.
I think that when someone too bubbly drink, he say 'hocolate instead of chocolate!
good day all
A thick 4:25 it must be the cold and fog
Shane  From Brisvegas
4:11 - smarties are m&m's that cant spell
Carina  From Sweden
5,31. I was stressed knowing time was ticking!:-)
But it is 21 of november still here!
Donna  From Ohio
1:47, this time I started with the 1's. I too was wondering where Lisa (T) has been!
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