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Kids Easy 4x4 Sudoku

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How to Play Easy Sudoku 4x4

Easy Sudoku 4x4 is a great introduction to Sudoku for young kids. To solve the puzzle, you must fill in the blank cells so that the numbers 1 through 4 appear in each column, row, and 2x2 block. Numbers can’t be repeated within each unit.

4x4 Sudoku Example Solution

Sudoku puzzles only have one correct solution and you have to use logic to determine which numbers fit in blank cells. Here’s an example of the logic used to solve this puzzle.

easy sudoku 4x4 solution

In easy Sudoku 4x4 puzzles, start by looking for individual units—rows, columns, and blocks—with one blank cell. Often, this is the only technique you’ll need to use to solve the puzzle.

  • Rows: There is one blank cell in row 2 and one blank cell in row 3. Since row 2 already has 1, 2, and 3, that means the answer to A2 is 4. Since row 3 has 1, 2, and 4, the answer to D3 is 3..
  • Columns: Column B has one empty cell (B4). Since the other cells in column B contain 2, 3, and 4, then B4 is 1. Column C also only has one empty cell (C1). The cells in column C contain 1, 2, and 4 so the answer to C1 is 3..
  • Blocks: After filling in B4, the bottom left block only has one empty cell (A4). Since the block contains 1, 2, and 4, the answer to A4 is 3. Similarly, after filling in C1, the top right block (D1) only has one empty cell and is missing a 4.

Once you’ve filled in the most obvious answers, repeat the same process as above, looking across rows, columns, and blocks for the last empty cells. In this example, the last two empty cells in columns C and D are C1 and D1, so by process of elimination C1 is 3 and D1 is 4.

As the puzzles increase in difficulty, you may have to look at two units simultaneously to answer a cell. For example, instead of just looking at a row, you may need to look at both the row and column together. To find the answer to A4, you can look at column A and row 4 simultaneously. In this case, column A has 1 and 2 and row 4 has 2 and 4. By process of elimination, the answer to A4 must be 3.

Once you’ve mastered Easy 4x4 Sudoku, you can level up and challenge yourself with Hard 4x4 Sudoku or Easy 6x6 Sudoku.