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Easy Sudoku for 22/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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party panther  From creeping up to hocolate pot
mmmmmm, my sweet tooth I must indulge
I need to taste hocolate, I will divulge
Unless a sweet alternative you'd like to profer
Lots (and lots) of bolly & chocolate are now on offer
G  From D
Goodnight all. Must go through the nightly rituals. Put out the cat named Sylvester, cover the bird who he covets, put out some seed for the morning's arrival of a sparrow who I call Jack and make my queen laugh 'cause it's my job.
party panther  From creeping up on jester
purrrroar little jester pretending to snore
Have you been watching ? - Do you know more ?
Here is my bolly, please take a sip
And tell what have you spied, please give me a tip
spy  From surmising
Is hh in red?
Is panther her ted?
Is temptress Depps a french femme
from a scottish address?
does cathy like marching?
Is mo a bird?
is wart a welsh fella?

Aren't we all just absurd!

That's my guess for tonight and I'm probably wrong
but a jester is always and ever a NONG!

tTrevene  From Trinidad
Hello all
party panther  From Wondering
So surely the time will come will it not
That we will pool guesses and tips that we've got
Revealing will happen at the end of the ball
but when will that be - who will make the call.
(Mr Ted - NOT that sort of revealing ssmmmmaaaaaaaack)
party panther  From sorry jester
Woe, I must tell that you have at least one wrong
I see my identity remains secret - did you say a 'nong' ?
I can see that there is none who has made the right guess
So I can still creep around is that right little jest ?
depps hot  From little chocolate pot
party panther please take sips
from my marvellous wicked dips
while spy is in our midst
hh is i feel away for the day
so it is someone other with which you play
me a 'femme' forsake me not
for i am a boiling deep deep pot
party panther  From TO SPY
OOPS - That should have been to 'Spy Surmising' not 'Jester' ..... unless of course they are one and the same ??? !!! ???
fiona  From the literary circle
dear spy surmising very badly!! I go to work, I have two kids, do you really think I have time to write poetry???? I'm in admiration of all these poetic pussies, but assure you that I'm not one of them. Right, time to get on with the prize giving I think, can I have your votes for the best costume and best poem? The bolly and hocolate are drying up and we really need to lift anchor and head elsewhere for supplies. Where next folks? What about a desert?? Sahara, will that do you? we could
party panther  From depps hot
Ah but I have had a sip from your wicked brew
Decadent, delicious and just like honey dew
Spy is just Jester, speaking the clues
there are some people who hide very well
and may never be caught if they choose not to tell
fiona  From polishing the cup
we could learn to belly dance - now that would be a laugh, all those wobbly bits jellying around! I have a first vote here for party panther and three votes for the chocolate pot; come on, the cup is ready...
party panther  From To Fiona
My dearest Fiona I will answer in rhyme
For if this game is ending it may be the last time
The poem I feel must go to depps hot
for the literary genius surrounding the choc pot
But for costume I feel that the wart just scrapes in
What a novel costume - it deserves to win
Tim  From OH
3:18 better but not my best
fiona  From to party panther
that stuff may taste like honey dew, but I'm warning you there were penguins stewing in there with ted and his socks only a few hours ago - decadent and delicious it may well be, but you'll be sick, just wait and see. I can write poetry too, YES!!! I'll just hold onto the cup I think!
jester  From behind the curtain
oh la la!

depps hot  From little chocolate pot
my wicked young fiona a beautiful gal
i have the most sinful of chocolates to tell
when will the ball come to an end
new journeys a foot on this long bow send
party panther one sip of your black coat your jewel
and the jester will have have you for nobody's fool
fiona  From found a new skill
thank you dear for your answer,
you of course are the party panther
the chocolate pot may well win
but chocolate really is a sin
I was the best at this party
because I was dressed as a smartie
party panther  From To Fiona (if that's your name)
mmmmm Funny how the messages stopped from the choc pot
When Fiona started using her name - strange is it not ?
She says she has no time to write prose
But then does just that - who is choc pot do you suppose ?
party panther  From I Give Up
OK - no more poems - I'm tired but I can't go to bed until I know who you all are.

Please fess up
fiona  From to depps hot
well, shall you tell party panther or shall I??
party panther  From ALL
Can anyone guess
jester  From wouldn't you like to know
I have a little secret
I keep it to myself
I take it out and polish it
And put it on a shelf
But no-one wants to look at it
And no-one cares to hear
the substance of my secret
In case it bites their ear!
party panther  From To Jester
After that verse - I would have to guess that you are Ted ?
depps hot  From little chocolate pot
if i must make a guess then who should it be
for i must say you have all fooled me
i think for the sake of the ball it should go
to the host of this wonderful marvellous show
so sip from my pot for the very last time
though will sadly miss writing in rhyme
take heart in the heat of my small chocolate pot
before it goes cold and is left to rot
party panther  From Depps hot
Depps are you Susan ?
The Masked Avenger  From Dark Tower
All this poetry and making a rhyme
is straining my head and bending my mind
I now talk to people on the phone
I'm sure they wonder 'who is this drone?'
So this is the bottom of my rhyming bucket
I'll sign off now before i really ruin it.
(couldn't think of another word for ruin, could you?)
jester  From melbourne but not ted

party panther  From To Jester
Mon is that you ?
party panther  From To Jester
have you guessed me yet ? Not too far from you, but far enough !
jester  From melbourne
fiona  From getting better at this
Lol masked avenger, good one!!
depps hot  From going cold
not susan masked avenger who be you
party panther who be you
shall i hold my hand up? or should we ask all the others to guess?
party panther  From Please Please Please
Reveal ,,,, please please
Red Riding  From one more
Where night is still day and day can be night
who is awake on this amazing site
The panther is prowling
and the joker scheming
The penquin has gone to his/her icy abode and Mistress Kitten away she has strode
It seems to me dearest panther and depps hot
that together we all could cause quite a shock
So into the hocolate pot we can all dip
Paws and tails and little fingertips
jester  From guess or confess
party panther  From Vic,
OK . I have put my hand (paw) up. Surely this is all you need to work out who is surely the worst poet this site is ever likely to see !
fiona  From ready to dish out he prizes
would it be fair to ask everyone to divulge their identity before the puzzle changes in half an hour or so? Or are you having too much fun writing poetry? You're certainly all very good, even ted who I'm sure is in there somewhere! Do we have a yes or a no? could be fun to continue every time the lady sudoku docks?
TO Jester  From Busted Panther
OK OK I admit it !.. I;ve had fun, but it 's time to take the suit off
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