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   HalT  From S Carolina
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For some reason, I am unable to enter a title or description of this photo. So...
I call this 'How high's the water, Mama.'
It is the dock at my daughter's home in Charlotte. The ramp UP to the boat is normally DOWN to the boat. And the top of the pylons that the dock is attached to are normally well above my head.
09/May/13 10:09 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Are you getting the same rains?
09/May/13 10:28 AM
   Peter  From 42ยบ South
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'Two feet high and risin'' Hal

Hope all your family are safe and well.

Maybe put the barbie off for a week or two!
09/May/13 10:51 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
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Has it peaked yet? Floods are scary times. I am guessing this is this not a regular occurrence.
09/May/13 10:53 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
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Kinda odd how lovely the photo is, considering what it pictures.
09/May/13 11:30 AM
youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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My sentiments too Sarah. A lovely shot regardless of the water height. And it would appear that there was no battering winds as the boat and walkway appear undamaged.
02/Jul/13 11:42 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Flood or high tide?
18/Jul/13 2:42 PM
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