BBQ at Gail's 29th November 2008

lots to eat and great company

lots to eat and great company

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   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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gee can take this one off!!!!
What on earth was I saying...certainly wasn't 'cheese'
29/Nov/08 7:37 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Bean - to me it looks like you're giving a sultry, sexy, come-hither look!
30/Nov/08 1:38 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Bean maybe youwere thinking how happy you'd be when the piccy's were taken....All that posing is hard work when you're having fun...
30/Nov/08 6:12 AM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
Check out my page
we were being told to say
"cheese" "toothpaste" and numerous others
I think we were all trying to work out which one makes you smile,
me thinks Bean was ---TOOTH----
30/Nov/08 10:42 AM
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