Dizzy Lizzy from Melbourne-Australia

Send Dizzy Lizzy a Private Message

Cool Hia all Cool welcome 

to my page

Take a load off,

As I'm a dutchie will leave a plate of Poffertjes for your enjoyment,



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   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi L I Z
Congratulation to have your own page.Iam very pleased to visit you having with me these very beautiful flowers hope you enjoy it.
You are to Your own page.
You are to my own page.
You are to visit my 'Egyptian Guest House 'any and every time You wish.
08/Jun/07 8:20 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Liz, just popping in to the locals to introduce myself. Brought along a plate of nibblies and a bottle of bubbly to help the proceedings. Hopefully catch you soon.
10/Jun/07 5:02 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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I hear that Liz. I've been reading the posts for ages but only joined last week. Come into the Sudokuaholics Anonymous meeting room, its the only answer! I denied the existence of pooters for 20 years. This Queen's long w/e I haven't left it!
11/Jun/07 4:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Have a great time Liz. Hope you get some good weather. Catch you when you get back. Pop into my room, I'm usually there...Hello, my name is Gail and I'm a Sudokuaholic!
11/Jun/07 4:45 PM
   Fiona  From France    Supporting Member
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Liz - read your comment on Gail's page about no longer doing any housework now you're a sudoku nut - don't worry, it takes a bit of time but the family do get used to it!! welcome to the site!
12/Jun/07 5:48 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz, welcome & thanks for your note on my page. When you come back from your holiday in Port Douglas (sounds wonderful by the way, I'm green with envy) come & join us on the Sudokuaholic Anonymous page. It is a great way for releasing some of the addiction. Hope you have a great holiday & catch you again soon
13/Jun/07 12:37 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday mate, home. How was Pt Douglas? I hope you girls left it just the way it was when you got there! What's it like to get a break!!!
26/Jun/07 10:14 AM
   Jenni  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz, welcome back. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself despite the way (it is a shame that you had so much rain, but it obviously didn't dampen your spirit too much. Sounds like a great way to spend a week, it's always nice to get away(I think I can remember what it's like, and Port Douglas is such a great place. Hope to talk to you soon.
26/Jun/07 10:29 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Liz - this is rather a belated visit to you to your own page, but better late than never.
Here's some to help decorate your place and a bottle of our local Wignall's Late Harvest for you to enjoy while playing sudoku.
22/Jul/07 7:03 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Please let me start with 'sorry' for not having visited you sooner.
It was great catching up with you on site tonight, lots of fun,and I can't wait to see what you come up with. Can I ask where in Melbourne are you?
I'll leave you some supplies to help with all your guests that I'm sure will be arriving anyday!

24/Jul/07 11:54 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Hey Liz
Havn't visited that site yet, but I'm sure its a blast. I also did a quick computer course, however playing around with it, and asking a lot of questions on the how to and where, is the only way to go. LOL I was so afraid of the internet at one stage, hubby kept saying, don't press on anything that flashes. ROFL, you should have seen me I was to scared to move the mouse, these days, its me thats telling how to use the programmes. Have a great one and I'll catch up again soon.

PS: we have to work on getting you an Avatar.
25/Jul/07 11:26 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Hi Liz, I'm so happy you liked my recipe for poffertjes, there are other recipes around but I found this one to be easy, and as you said yummy. What a great way to remember your mum, over some scrumptious poffertjes.
30/Jul/07 2:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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I see you're on late too Liz! Just about to sign off but wanted to say, great to see you. Take care.
17/Oct/07 10:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Liz, I see you've had some spammers come in to help you decorate!
I saw your message from last night, sorry I wasn't on to chat to you. Hope the move goes painlessly.
All's well with my tribe. Its been a fairly hectic week, D#2 turned 18 last w/end, then went for her license on Tuesday (which she passed, thank the gods!) and yesterday was my son's 23rd and today, we are driving to Newport for a surprise party thrown for him by his girlfriend.
Hope to catch up with you soon, in fact, now that my life has settled down, would you like to get together for a cuppa one day?
27/Oct/07 11:46 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Wishing you and your loved ones a
wonderful, safe and relaxing time
over the Christmas Season.
May 2008 bring you all
Love, happiness and fulfilment.
From all at Foxhaven Resort
17/Dec/07 12:34 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Stopped by to wish you good cheer
Brought a little bubblie here
May your toast be great
For two thousand eight
May you have a very

Hope your Christmas was blest.
No resolutions to obsess
It is not too late
For to celebrate
Our Lord Saviour’s Righteousness

01/Jan/08 5:29 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Try that or else look in the Forums section.
01/Apr/08 10:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh I see you're as big a dag as I am!
Count to ten indeedx!!!
06/Apr/08 8:42 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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oh ho...should've known i'd find Gail here!
Good chatting with you tonight Liz.
Hope to catch up again soon.
06/Apr/08 11:33 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hey Liz, got this from a friend the link she gave me was:
If the link doesn't work, go to the You Tube Website, and type in Zorba the Greek Yolgnu style. Sorry could not be anymore help. Hope you and Gail have a good lunch.
12/Apr/08 9:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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An invitation to celebrate the visit to Melbourne of
Broni from Brissie

WHO: Any Sudokuists and their family who happen to be in Melbourne at the time!

WHEN: Saturday 31st May 2008 12pm

WHAT: A Buffet lunch
(BYO a fav soup, casserole or curry etc. Some food and accompaniments provided)

WHERE: At my place
(Details will be provided upon confirmation)

HOW: RSVP on my page by Wed 28th May

ps I know you are coming, you don't have a choice! This is just a courtesy call.
04/May/08 8:38 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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TAG! YOU'RE IT! (See Angie's game below - also posted on page one of 'easy'):
TAG YOU ARE IT!… is back
Ok.. Remember late last year we all played Tag, and unfortunately we lost all those posts due to the big Site Crash. So here we go again…
Rules: you have to post on here what your responses are.
You must tag 2 people (post on site who you have tagged)
You must post on their pages that they have been tagged,
(Please try and not tag anyone already tagged)
Answer the following questions:
Name the song you danced to and sang to in front of the mirror, using your hairbrush as a microphone. And did you ever get caught doing it?
How old were you when you had your first “crush” and who was it?
What was your most embarrassing, clothing experience?
Have you ever been to someone’s house for dinner and forced yourself to “enjoy” a very awful meal? What was it?
21/May/08 8:30 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz...dropped into say I love your avatar...is this one of your photos?
22/May/08 10:40 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz,
Thank you so much for your caring message after Mum's death. I have been overwhelmed by the love and support from the wonderful people on this site and it did help me through a rough patch.
27/May/08 10:33 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz,
Thanks for your message, I am delighted we are going to meet at Gail's on Saturday. Things are getting better here but I still find myself checking my watch at about 11.30 each day. I was always at Mum's nursing home to feed her lunch and it's a hard habit to break!
28/May/08 8:57 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz! I realized when I saw your picture in the group photo at Gail's that I did not know who you were. I am not as good as some about getting around to visit personal Pages. Enjoyed your Picture Gallery. Could you explain "top end family" for me? I believe they are aborigines, right? Little Faustina is so cute. Anyway, glad I have "met" you now. Please stop & see me at my page in Florida whenever you have time.
31/May/08 11:53 PM
   Mickey  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz, It was great meeting you yesterday, and my head was fine this morning, I bounced out of bed at 9am
01/Jun/08 2:40 PM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Liz
I have just added some beach pics to my page.
I did not bother resizing them as they are only about 143kb and thats quite okay.
Now i have to give them a title or description.
I shall have to get out with the camera and take some of my garden etc.
05/Jun/08 12:46 PM
Marjan  From Tehran,Iran
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Hi Liz,
Thank you for the birthday message. Have a nice day.
08/Jun/08 11:25 PM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Liz
I just posted this answer to you on my own page.
What a silly billy. lol ehehe

I am not a supporting member either.
So far I have two avatars I can use.
As you know you can select which one to use by
going to your UPDATE DETAILS page and then click on MANAGE AVATARS.
I only recently found this out from Gath myself. lol
Not sure what you meant More...

about if you switch all your posts change?? you mean previous posts?
I just went into archives and looked back for
one of my posts and it is there with the original avatar of the dolphins.
My avatar now is the upside down smiley face as you can see.
Good Luck
10/Jun/08 9:15 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz, thanks for the birthday wishes and visiting my page. This is the first time I have been to your page. I will have to visit again.
16/Jun/08 3:09 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hey Liz,wonderful news on your 5 year target celebrate and enjoy...PS I LOVE poffertjes
18/Jun/08 10:25 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Hi Liz, just p-o-p-i-n-g in, glad you enjoyed my galleries. I see you are a dog person. I have a long legged Jack Russell and a fat Red Heeler.
18/Jun/08 2:52 PM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz, I noticed the recipe....my sister has the special pan and makes them for family breakkies if we beg her...yummmmmo... butter and icing sugar are the best toppings....
18/Jun/08 9:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Liz, Congratulations!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Party!! Every day is special and you've had 1825 days more thanks to wonderful doctors and your grit and strength... Celebrate!
18/Jun/08 11:04 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Liz, I know it seems a strange thing to say, but


5 years is a mega milestone.
It's a beautiful thing.
Life is good.
19/Jun/08 7:54 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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♪♫ Happy Anniversary ♪♫
♫♪ Happy Anniversary ♪♫
Yeeee Haaaa!!!!
19/Jun/08 9:07 PM
   Fiona  From France
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hi there! lovely to get so many birthday wishes today, including of course, yours! Thank you!!
26/Jun/08 11:24 PM
   Elise  From Pt Macquarie, Aust
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You are playing a new word game???
29/Jun/08 8:52 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz, many thanks for your birthday wishes, they are much appreciated. My niece lives in Amsterdam and I visited her and the family last year - what a fabulous part of the world it is!
04/Jul/08 7:46 PM
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