Dizzy Lizzy from Melbourne-Australia

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Cool Hia all Cool welcome 

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Take a load off,

As I'm a dutchie will leave a plate of Poffertjes for your enjoyment,



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   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas Lizzy! I'm really missing you these days...
Stopping in with Holiday greetings for you! Wishing you a Christmas full of love and joy ...and blessings throughout the new year!
24/Dec/08 9:00 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a
24/Dec/08 1:35 PM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Hi Liz, it was great to meet you.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
24/Dec/08 4:15 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Merry Christmas Lizzy! I picked out this doggie Christmas ornament for your tree. Sending you love and a big Chrissie hug!
25/Dec/08 1:44 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Lizzy - I can't believe it but I had another ornament in mind for you...because of all your bootiful singing!
Thought this would look sweet on your tree!
25/Dec/08 4:40 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday mate, hope your having a great day. Did you get out into the garden?
Just had a note about a member from Brissie who is coming down to Melbourne in a couple of weeks, and I said I would arrange a meet of some sort (cuppa, meal?) while she is here. Her page name is Katitude, and she plans on being here from the 10th Jan for a few days, so let me know if you would like to get together again.
27/Dec/08 6:40 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Dizzy Lizzy! Wishing you a great new year!
01/Jan/09 9:44 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Liz and for 2009 ... hope it is a good one...
Hope you aint so Dizzy any more Lizzy...
01/Jan/09 9:30 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hey sweetie, thanks so much for all your words of support through this sad time. I know how hard it is for you, you are such a sensitive person who has suffered a lot of loss in a short time.
Having you as a friend is a great comfort to me.
19/Jan/09 5:00 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Happy Australia Day, Lizzy!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!
24/Jan/09 6:52 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Lots of love to you sweet friend!
Love to Gizmo and Sammie, too!
14/Feb/09 1:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Valentines Day Liz!
14/Feb/09 7:57 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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just hopping in to wish you a very Happy Easter Lizzie...and a season full of joy!
11/Apr/09 12:08 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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NO! NO! Not more poffertjes! hehe
Liz, as always, wonderful to see you again. Thanks heaps for all you brought, especially the special favour (sorry mate, meant to pay you for it, IOU a drink at least).
Catch up with you real soon, now that life is starting to settle down for both us. ♥
18/Apr/09 8:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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In loving memory of our Mums

25/Apr/09 8:58 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Missing you Liz. Hope you are feeling better!
10/May/09 7:13 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hugs and kisses Lizzy

RIP Sammy

28/May/09 5:18 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Luv from me and Bella
28/May/09 6:10 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Liz, I know what Sammy means to you, and I am so glad I got to "meet" him via web cam. I hope you have wonderful memories mof good times with him to ease your grief. Huge Hugs to you, my friend!
28/May/09 9:59 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Liz, so sorry for your loss.

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free!
I follow the plan God laid for me.
I could not stay another day,
To sit, to walk, to run or play!
And if my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a hug, a kiss...
Ah yes, these things I too shall miss.
My life's been full, I've savored much:
Good home, good friends, a loved-one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief -
Don't shorten yours with undue grief.
Be not burdened with tears of sorrow,
Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.

May Sammy jump and play in heaven like he did as a pup, until you meet again!
28/May/09 10:41 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Lizzie - I, too, know how special Sammy was and can only imagine how deep you and Gizzy are grieving now.
Like we discussed this morning on IM - he is waiting for you on the other side, surrounded by your loving family. Take good care my dear.
29/May/09 12:33 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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I'm so sorry you have lost your precious Sammy, Liz.
It is so hard to say goodbye, even though we know it is for the best. I like to think they are all waiting patiently for us.
RIP sweet Sammy
29/May/09 6:10 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I am really sorry to hear that Sammy has gone.I recently lost my dog Meg and I can feel your pain.I just kept telling myself what a wonderful and spoilt life they had.
29/May/09 6:44 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Liz. I'm so sorry to hear about Sammy! I offered you a copy of Rainbow Bridge on SA, but guess you already have one. You know he'll wait patiently with our other SA four-legged friends.
29/May/09 10:23 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi Liz. Have been MIA and have just heard your news from yesterday. I am so sorry.
The pain of losing such a true and loyal companion has no equal. We all know that in time it becomes less and that this is how it must be when one loves a friend as you did Sammy ... problem it doesn't make the heartache less. I hope that the knowledge that we we all care and understand your pain does.
29/May/09 12:06 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Liz, so sorry to hear about Sammy - sending you warm thoughts and big hugs.I know how much we miss our faithful, four-legged friends.
RIP Sammy.
30/May/09 11:48 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Lizzy - just popping in to let you know I'm thinking about you and wondering how you are holding up.
I have been absolutely buried in yard work and have barely been up on the computer to check in...but you have been on my mind and heart.
Just wanted to pop in with a hug for you.
31/May/09 11:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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You've been tagged! See page 4/5 of today's easy!
12/Jun/09 11:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, LIzzy! It was so nice to see that you had popped in to SA8 today. We miss you and hope all is well! Hope to see you there again soon!
02/Aug/09 2:51 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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for tomorrow Liz, don't suffer too much on Sunday...drink plenty of water through the night!
11/Sep/09 8:04 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Liz! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with love and laughter and shared with family and friends!
11/Sep/09 11:04 PM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Dizzy Lizzy! - to you! I hope your special day is a wonderful one!
12/Sep/09 12:23 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Liz!
Wishing you happiness today and always
12/Sep/09 1:15 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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Have a wonderful day.
12/Sep/09 1:46 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Lizzie! Congratulations on being such a young'un!
Love, kisses and hugs to you on your b'day!
12/Sep/09 1:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hippo Birdie 2 Ewe
Hippo Birdie 2 Ewe
Hippo Birdie Deer Lizzie
Hippo Birdie
12/Sep/09 2:29 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Hope you have a great day
12/Sep/09 4:34 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hope you have a truly great day celebrating your day.
12/Sep/09 4:58 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hey Dizzy Lizzy! I hope you have a wonderful birthday, filled with family and friends to share in the fun. Cheers, and happy birthday!
12/Sep/09 4:59 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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enjoy your speical day, Mary
12/Sep/09 7:56 AM
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