Posing amongst the roses

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   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Is that your garden shack?? I love on of those!
07/Jun/08 3:29 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
Check out my page
21/Jan/09 7:37 AM
saylz  From Tassie
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Hi Amelia
Great to hear you are visiting Tasmania. Our Christmas visitors have just returned to Sydney after their annual sojourn. I've not had time to visit the site much since just before Christmas.
We usually say the weather is okay until Easter after which it seems to deteriorate. This might only be because we lose daylight savings about then and it is darker earlier.
Weather will definitely be cool at night Winter nightwear definitely needed. Days will probably be variable from coolish 16 -17 maximum to cold 10C during the day. Hopefully however sunny.If you are in the Central highland or West Coast it is quite possible to get snow.
We always say wear layers of clothing which you can take off or put on as required.
We live virtually in the Hobart Centre. Postcode 7000.
We'd love to have you for a meal or alternatively go out for a meal whichever you prefer.
We're going to Sydney for Easter but will be home on Easter Tuesday.
Let us know what you want to do. If you want any other info please ask.
Back to work Monday. Not looking forward to it.
09/Jan/10 8:24 PM
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