Taken from our driveway. Fire started a couple miles to our east, and moved further east yesterday. We helped evacuate several friends.

Taken from our driveway. Fire started a couple miles to our east, and moved further east yesterday. We helped evacuate several friends.

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   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page
That's quite a header, Jim. Stay safe!
13/Jun/13 12:49 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Oooh, I don't like the look of that! Remember when I was teaching in Pacific Palisades, seeing that smoke, had me almost panicking about what to do with my students!
13/Jun/13 3:25 AM
   Grass-hopper  From Qld    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Oh Jim, that looks really scary.
13/Jun/13 8:45 AM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
Check out my page
Thank goodness the fire moved away from you. I wondered how close (too close) it was to you when I saw the reports about it on TV. Stay safe!
13/Jun/13 12:27 PM
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