1959 Coupe de Ville - April 2014

We love old cars and car shows. This '59 Cadillac was at a local show. Those fins are over-the-top!

We love old cars and car shows. This '59 Cadillac was at a local show. Those fins are over-the-top!

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   HalT  From S Carolina
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I remember that one. I was a junior in high school.
17/Jul/14 1:17 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Did not see many like that here.
17/Jul/14 5:23 AM
   Rayray  From an Egg    Supporting Member
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My God! It looks like a rocket-launcher!
17/Jul/14 6:23 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Wow! I'd love to see/drive/own that car!
17/Jul/14 7:04 AM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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I'll have to post some more car show photos as I cull through pics on my camera.
17/Jul/14 9:06 AM
Dottie R  From Cleveland, OH suburb
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Reminds me of the first Batmobile!
17/Jul/14 10:30 AM
PeeBee  From Perth WA
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The 'New People' over the road from us (in Sydney) had a pink one. I was 12 and hadn't seen so much chrome in my whole life. Brakes let themselves off one day and it rolled down the street. Friendly light pole stopped it with a big dent right in the middle of its rear end.
29/Dec/14 6:10 PM
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