List of Solving Techniques

Submitted By: SudokuMan from Texas

Here is a pretty good list of 40+ solving techniques used by Sudoku Snake.  It's good if you're wanting to study up on some new strategies. 

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Neil  From UK-Hertfordshire
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I looked at this site, and in the Beginner's section, there were two techniques which I have never heard of - Mutant Pointing and Mutant Claiming - and I can find no other references on the Web to these techniques.

My question is: both examples show 'irregular box shapes' - my question is 'are these the ones to use, or are there other possibilities for these box shapes?' If you are able to help - or, at least, point me in the right direction, I would much appreciate it.

Best regards, Neil
14/Sep/09 4:48 PM
SudokuMan  From Texas
Check out my page
The boxes can be of any shape, from long squiggly snakes to just a few cells transferred here and there like the Sudoku Snake examples.

It's impossible for these techniques to exist in a regular arrangement, as a cell has to be in the same row AND column as parts of a box without actually being in that box.

Here's an example from the Sudoku Snake website of another irregular box arrangement.

I noticed a mutant pointing in it, where the 2 in the cell just below the top-left corner can be eliminated (thanks to the squiggly box that has the 1, since all the remaining 2's in that box 'point' to it)
27/Oct/09 2:00 PM
twasack  From from
Check out my page
chewdoku has many more techniques and features and its FREE. google "chewdoku" for download.
20/Apr/12 12:42 AM
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