Sheep Turn You Gay

Submitted By: from Jero

RIP Beehive (who would have found this amuzing)
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mrf  From Boston area, MA USA
I haven't been to the page much in quite a while. "RIP Beehive" ??? What? When?! Seriously?! How sad! When I came here frequently, Beehive was such a big part of the site - a wonderfully friendly, supportive community!!
11/Nov/07 8:13 AM
   Rayray  From Yorkshire    Supporting Member
Check out my page
If you are gay, and sheep turn people gay, then, I guess, New Zealand is the place to go.
14/Nov/07 2:44 PM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco
Check out my page
If you are a girl and having man trouble, the person to talk to is a gay man. They have been there and done that.
09/Dec/07 6:02 PM
Speaka2me  From North Cove
Check out my page
Don't know who beehive is, or even if he is alive or dead, but the video is no longer available - "removed due to terms of use violation". I can't even find it on Youtube or even Google! It must have been some video.
06/Jan/09 2:56 AM
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