Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
Talk about anything and everything, but place your comments in the right categories so that people on slow internet connections can still enjoy the site. Also, be nice to each other - you don't have to agree, but this is not the place for personal attacks. As Sir Paul McCartney said: 'I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird' (longer explanation). Enjoy!
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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Wow Suzy, I am going to have to keep that list of vinegar uses handy. I do use it for cleaning the shower head and the coffee pot, but never realized all the other uses. Thanks for sharing that!
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's just after 4:00 AM and I just finished a bowl of soup. Think I'll try and get some more sleep now. Wish me luck!
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, thanks for that list. I am going to come back later and copy them down.
Theresa, hope grandie is feeling better. I would not want a pub near me either.
Julie, thanks for the update. I hope your hubby feels better soon.
I don't remember anything else. I have to get Mitchell to a school competition. He is on his school Brain Brawl team. It is an academic competition. His school came in 2nd last year (first time they competed) and this year they are going for number 1.
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good morning to every one else.
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning ... again!
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... vinegar and salt is a fantastic quick polish for copper! It removes tarnish instantly!
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There's no danger of a pub around here. This county (and surrounding ones) is a dry county. NO alcohol allowed. It doesn't stop the low-lifes from driving to the nearest liquor store and stocking up, tho'. Every night more empty beer bottles and cans are thrown out of cars in front of our farm.
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The weather forecast for today is for sun. It is snowing outside.
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, did you get your nap? You were welcoming me to Canada Winter. Snow and Ice is just why I do not live in Canada or the northern USA, I am not a snow person. Luckily I was taught to drive on snow, my dad taught me well. At age 17 only 2 people arrived on the floor of hospital where I worked (unit secretary) and I was one of them!

yes, Julie, I am hoping the forecast is wrong. TV weather forecasts are calling for more accumulation than the National Weather service, being more sensational. Perhaps to increase their ratings and preserve their jobs. It is not good science.

Al must go and hunt kerosene today and get gasoline for the generator. HOPE they are not needed, but oh so good to have them. IF we get freezing rain, IF we loose power, we will be prepared.

Al's daughter Joy is back in town. Her mother is seriously ill, she is here to spend some time with her. Her mother is in a nursing home. Yep, Joy is my step daughter, but sometimes I think we are closer than my natural daughters, and I love them all the same. She will come over Sunday and stay with us during the snow, sleeping on the sofa, to help with whatever survival tasks needed. Besides, the friend she is staying with does not have a generator and heat options, she will be warmer here, and useful. Those heaters and generator do need fuel added.

Now, generator we have will not run our house or our furnace, but give us a couple lights, keep our freezer and fridge going, and the microwave and TV. Perhaps even a computer, if all are not on same time hehehe. It is about 5 years old and never out of the box, we bought it after a summer hurricane related storm kept us without power for days.

OK, I really lost the thread of my comments, sorry, I did read posts on page 496, guess my brain is just occupied with snow preparation.

I will be back later and try again. I need to go make biscuits. Hugs to all.
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I think we have your sunny skies. Temp is reported to be 42 now, but the sun is soo warm, when I could stay out of the wind, I am comfortable in shirt sleeves outside.

Hubby was ready for breakfast fore I made biscuits, so he got toast today. I also forgot to post the above message before I left the computer, DUH, it does help to hit send.

Same here, Heidi, we are a dry county, but more automobile accidents caused by drunk drivers than norm. Locals are gonna drink their beer, but they do toss the empties over their shoulder into the bed of the pickup. Those empties are worth money at the recyclers!

Tami, good luck to Mitchell at the competition. wishing his school luck in their quest for first place.

   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... 42℉ sounds like a heat wave today. We're at 17℉ right now.
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, we tend to have an "emergency" kit prepared every fall (candles, lighter, water, battery operated radios and clocks, etc.) and keep extra canned goods (stews, pastas, beans) that can be cooked in the fireplace. After the ice storm we had in '98 with no power for 8 days, we try and keep it stocked.

What do you mean by "dry" counties? There are no pubs allowed to open? Are there still beer and liquor stores open or do you have to go to another county for that? I sometimes wish our town were "dry". We too get beer bottles and cans tossed onto our property, but mostly in the summer and the number has dwindled over the years.
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Dry means no sale of alcoholic beverages at all, in pubs, restaurants, state stores (that probably will need explaining) package stores, groceries, anywhere. You can bring in alcohol for your own consumption, but it best be in the trunk or out of reach of the driver and NOT cases and cases of alcohol.

State stores in Alabama are state run outlets for Alcohol, the Alabama Beverage Control, also known as ABC store or State store. All alcohol except beer and wine is brought into the state by ABC and then sold in their outlets. NO wholesale prices for resellers (package or bottle stores or restaurants), they pay the same as a consumer buying for their own use. Groceries may sell beer and wine but not hard liquor. It is a strange system.
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Mitchell's team did well. They made it to the semi-finals. Unfortunately the advisers were not prepared and miscalculated the number of questions needed. They will play the semi-final on Wednesday Jan 26 and the winner will immediately play in the final. It is a two game elimination. One team is already in. Mitchell plays against the other team with one loss.
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, does sound like a strange system, but perhaps it does cut down SOMEWHAT the amount of drunk drivers? We can only buy liquor and alcohol at the Liquor Store and the Beer Store (provincial outlets), but in Quebec you can buy it at the grocery store. Pubs and restaurants can sell it for consumption at their premises as long as they have the appropriate license. Thanks for the info.

Tami, good luck to Mitchell in the next round!

After a long and mostly sleepless night, and even after a three hour nap, I have no energy. I soon have to start supper and even that seems like a tremendous chore! I will work through this, I will work through this, I will work through this .....
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Well the weather man is wrong here too. Though he changed his forecast when he realised that. It was supposed to be mostly sunny with some cloud - it's pouring rain! Finally! I have had dog blankets on the line for over a week waiting for this - I find rain works better than the machine.

Tami, congratulations to Mitchell's team! They are playing on Australia Day, surely that's a good omen...

Heidi, on my first ever trip to the US I was taken out to dinner by one of the bosses and his wife (it was a business trip) and they took me to a restaurant outside of the county because they also lived in a dry county. That was the first time I'd ever heard of them.

MizT, I hope you don't need your generator or heating fuel, but I'm very glad you have them just in case. I still remember last year and the horribly cold weather we were hearing about in here. I'm also glad you will have Joy with you. Young bones can come in very handy!

   Suzy  From Oz
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Just after my post last night I wrote a very long post commenting on all of your posts and it got me banned! I don't remember what I said but I know I didn't call anyone any horrible names or knowingly swear - it was one of those sneaky ones..
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi Suzy. Does anyone know if there are a certain number of "bans" you're allowed before you're kicked off entirely? I have a vision of a little old lady sitting at a desk looking at all of our posts and rejecting any she feels are naughty.
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, not that I know of, but if there were we could always appeal to Gath, he is known for his common sense. If you are a trouble maker with lots of complaints against you versus someone who has been here for ages ...
   Suzy  From Oz
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We've had an inch of rain in an hour here. Good for the trees etc..
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, don't write it out - do what I did and copy-paste..
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The grandies are here while their mom wraps the youngest one's gifts. I am flinging food while grandpa is looking after them.

It is snowing here, as it has done for the last day or so. But for us that's normal. Hope all is well with you, MizT and Heidi.
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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They have gone home and peace reigns until the next time

Just reading an article about the Arizona Congresswoman shot at a grocery store in Tucson. Her aid died. Being in politics is a risky business.
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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More is coming out on the attack at the grocery store. 18 wounded and 6 dead, one of them being a 9 year old girl. How sad.
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just had a nice nap. I needed it.

We don't have state stores here. Kentucky doesn't consider itself a state. Kentucky is a Commonwealth. There are plenty of liquor stores in Kentucky, as well as a lot of major distilleries. Liquor, including beer and wine, cannot be sold in any dry county. It can be served at private parties, tho. The local American Legion tried using that as a loophole. They used to have a band play there every weekend, and served alcohol there, claiming that they were a private club and it was for members only. BUT, they pretty much opened it to the public, claiming they were invited guests. The police had regular raids there, and the Legion was given frequent warnings because of drunken brawls involving knives and guns. (Somebody was hospitalized almost every weekend) Finally, 2 years ago, they were caught selling alcohol to minors and were shut down for good. There are still a lot of drunken drivers here, but not as many as when the American Legion was open.
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, I had no intentions of writing all those tips, I planned on copy/paste. I am lazy.
Bought Mitchell a new backpack today. He now has one on wheels as his back is starting to bother him and I don't want him having a lifetime of back problems. It could just be he is complaining to get a different backpack but I won't argue.
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Tami, I saw a local health unit ad on TV one time that talked about how certain backpacks are hard on kids' backs. Apparently they should have one that also straps around the waist. I guess it all depends on how heavy the backpacks are when fully loaded.
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, Dana was having back problems a few years ago. She was going to the physio about her shoulder so I asked him about it. He had her stand in front of me and then pointed to her knees - they were almost pointing at each other!! Several hundred dollars later she had orthotics and now doesn't have problems unless she doesn't wear them...
   Suzy  From Oz
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Okay, tested the vinegar and water on soap scum. It worked brilliantly on glass - better than anything else I've used, but not so great on the tiles.
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, you're the one who got me banned - and you weren't. It was that talking bird!!! I didn't work it out by the way, the lady who lives in the rude place did..
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What talking bird?
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Cyber Friends!

Hi, Heidi, Theresa, Gail, Suzy, Tami and MizTricia!

Theresa, I hope your grandie is feeling better today! Even if the itching hasn't subsided, did it bother her less during the day (when she could focus on a game/playing/TV) than at night when she wanted to sleep and had only the itching to focus on?

Stay alert when scouring the paper for a notice about the building across the street, Theresa! Another pub would be bad enough, but a strip club would be very unsavory.

Gail, now that we know you wouldn't be surprised if an announcement will be made, if it doesn't happen after this trip, do you think they'll get engaged for Valentine's Day? Theresa, what a great idea! Unfortunately, a ladder will be of no help for us, as D lives in a different state. She just got engaged and wants to get married in Chicago (not a suburb) this summer.

Suzy, what a great list of things to do with vinegar! I hope it was a cut-and-paste and you didn't have to type all of it! I think I may email it to myself, as I'm sure I won't remember a quarter of the ideas.

Theresa, I hope the warm soup helped to relax you and you were able to get some sleep!

Tami, good luck to Mitchell and his Brain Brawl team!

Heidi, thanks for another use for vinegar!

I just thought of one: my brother drinks a cup of apple cider vinegar in warm water when he feels like he's coming down with a cold.

Heidi, I hope the sun finds you tomorrow - and melts some of today's snow!

MizT, I'm glad you'll have back-ups for heat and power and Joy staying over to help with fuel fill-ups, if necessary. I hope they won't be necessary! Did you make the biscuits anyway to have for tomorrow?

Tami, congrats to Mitchell and his team! I hope they have an outstanding day in the semi-finals (and hopefully finals) later this month!

Suzy, I'm so glad you got your rain! I wonder why it cleans the dogs' blankets better than the hot sloshy machine? Have you figured out why you lost your long post and you were banned?

Theresa, I had also heard about the attack in Arizona. The congresswoman's husband is an astronaut. His brother is currently on the Space Station. Thinking of all of the victims and praying for them and their families!

Tami, I hope the new rolling backpack relieves Mitchell's back pain!

Suzy, is the talking bird you're talking about the king parrot in the picture Laura took of June? Or is it a bird with the same name as a Sudokuaholic's town?

It's nearing midnight, and I want to be up for another water aerobics class tomorrow morning. (It's for general fitness and joint mobility. We work quite a bit on core, but also arms, legs, etc. It combines strength moves using bands and styrofoam "noodles" and "barbells" and cardiovascular - moving continually for 45 minutes, sometimes using water "steps" - similar to the raised "box" used in step aerobics on land.)

Thinking of all of you and sending pos
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Wow! Almost got it all to fit!

Thinking of all of you and sending positive thoughts, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}!

Good Night!
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I just found Theresa's comment about a bird that talks:

"My sister has a cockatiel that talks."
   Suzy  From Oz
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So Julie can say it too, but I can't!! I tested and was booted again!
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Contact Gath via the 'Contact us' link Suzy, that way he gets the email directly. Query why the topsider's posts get through, but yours wouldn't for some reason!
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sure I posted this morning..must becoming senile.
Love and Hugs to you all.
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
It's sticky here now after the rain. Not fun!

I think I'll do that Gail, because losing long posts is not fun at all.

Thinking of Theresa's grandie, our friend (I'm claiming her now too June because it feels that way) and MizT and Al - both weather and treatments.
   June  From Epping.NSW
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{{HUGS}} to you all.
Laura's father came and gernied all my BBQ area and the paths across the back and down the side of the house. What a great improvement. Some of the cream tiles were nearly black.
My friend was here too. The chemo is attacking the veins in her legs and she is having trouble walking. Another 10 days and the poison should start leaving her body. She looked exhausted today. I felt like crying when I saw her.
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hugs June! I hope the poison leaves sooner rather than later!!!!
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