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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Thanks Suzy. Lets turn the page to start a new day, a new week and lots of fun and good news.
09/Jan/11 10:02 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all,
Hugs to all who need them or want them. My thoughts are with you all.
Julie, the grandie had/has the rash (hives) at any time. The Benadryl works almost immediately and then it comes back 6-7 hours later. She will be going to the doctor this week.
Sorry you got banned Suzy. It's funny that a kind of bird can get you banned, even though it does contain another word within it. It never occurred to me that that word would ban anyone, but why just you? Very strange.
Coffee is ready, must go grab a cup and finish reading.
09/Jan/11 10:16 PM
Small Town Canada
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Julie, I don't think a strip club would be allowed in our town, but it was an example of what we don't want to move into our neighbourhood. This latest pub was relatively quiet and the owner seemed to be trying to turn it more into an eatery than a bar. We very seldom complained about the noise, but one of our neighbours complained every chance they got. We will definitely be keeping our eyes open on the future of this place.
Coffee tastes so good first thing in the morning. I also fed the cats because I was getting the "look".
Has anyone gone through a box of stored stuff yet? I am going to try to do one box a month and I hope to start next week when the grandies are back in school. Famous last words .....
09/Jan/11 10:32 PM
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No boxes Theresa, but I rewashed 3 garbage bags of clothes and gave them to family services... Only 3 more to go...
09/Jan/11 11:03 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I'm sure one garbage bag holds more than one box, so congratulations. You've probably done 6 months worth already, so you can take the next five months off!!
09/Jan/11 11:08 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Well, we moved the boxes we had taken out of the ex-junkroom off the dining room table, with the intention of future goings through, one by one...does that count at all Theresa?
09/Jan/11 11:11 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Morning everyone. Harley woke me up at 6:30 whining. I took him out and took a walk with him. I am trying to get motivated to exercise and lose weight. We didn't walk too far, but the longest one yet. Early morning was quiet and a nice time to walk.
09/Jan/11 11:13 PM
Small Town Canada
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Hey Gail, it counts in my world! But then I'm twisted, so you judge ....
09/Jan/11 11:19 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, it's a start.
Theresa, hope the grandie is feeling better soon and the doctor can figure out what gave her the itchies.
Suzy, you naught girl. Getting kicked off this site for talking about a bird. Good job on the washing.
Hoping everyone else is having a good start to the day.
09/Jan/11 11:21 PM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, did he whine because he had to go out? If so, at least he is letting you know. Has he had any little accidents in the house? Oh how I miss having a dog sometimes!
09/Jan/11 11:21 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, we are trying to crate train him. So far he has been good but is chewing every thing. When we are not home, he is crated. He has been whining at night as he does not want to be alone. Last night was the first night we let him whine himself to sleep. I did come down to take him out as the whine had a different tone, it sounded more urgent and not lonely. That is why I decided to take a long walk at the same time.
09/Jan/11 11:24 PM
Small Town Canada
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Awww, come on Tami, let him sleep with you!
My problem right now with going through boxes is other things have to be cleaned up and out to find places for things. I need to clean the kitchen cupboards, but first clean the shelves to make more room, but first clean another cupboard to make more room, but first clean out the former dining room, but first clean out the laundry room, and on and on and on. I'm sure you all know what I mean. I guess I'm not sure exactly where to start, but I do know I have to start somewhere, anywhere! Does anyone have a spare genie????
09/Jan/11 11:32 PM
Alabama, USA
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good morning! Checking in so you do not think we are snow bound. They keep changing the time of this event, for my area, we should get snow starting this evening/night. It is snowing now in the state, but the snow is comming UP from the south! That is where the moisture is comming ashore from the gulf, meeting the cold air already in place, having come from the north. It is just COLD here, 22 (-5.55 C) degrees and cloudy so it will not warm a lot today. Really hurts, since I was out in shirt sleeves yesterday, with a sunny 52 (11.11 C).
It seems the forecasters just do not know what is going to happen when. I think I will just wait and check my weather rock!
10/Jan/11 12:47 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, don't blame me for the snow. I am in the south but we don't have any.
10/Jan/11 1:25 AM
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Tricia, hope you are able to get Al to his treatment. Does he have to have the Ray treatment on a daily basis.
Theresa, Hubby has cleared out a few boxes yesterday and I have cleaned out a big one. Still finding a few 'homes' for some of the contents. After next weekend I must start on the laundry. It is a big room and lots of stuff has been dumped there. We do not have a basement.
10/Jan/11 1:30 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, Thanks for asking about Al'streatment. most likely we will NOT go to treatment on Monday. Weather advisory is saying stay off the roads tomorrow. Yes, he is supposed to get the radiation treatments 5 days a week for 6 weeks but they do give days off for legal holidays, like Christmas, New Years and such. So a 4 day week is not unheard of. We will just have to see. They have postponed and postponed the start of his radiation, I am getting concerned.
Tami, right not coming from YOUR part of the south. Coming into the south west corner of Alabama. For those not up on USA geography, Tami is south east of me.
10/Jan/11 2:10 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, I just wanted to make sure you did not blame me. If it did snow down here, I would send it up North as quick as possible.
10/Jan/11 2:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm glad you're not blaming me for the snow. We've got a few inches right now, and it's bloody cold! (15℉ / -9.5℃) I have to go out in a few and feed hay to the cows.
10/Jan/11 3:11 AM
Alabama, USA
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Yeah Heidi, it is all your fault! You shared your cold temps with us. Can't make snow without cold air you know.
Radar shows snow next county west of us, think we will get snow fore it was forecast. I know, you can laugh, but snow is a big deal here.
10/Jan/11 5:12 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Stay warm Miz T.
10/Jan/11 5:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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COWS!!! I opened the gate to drive the tractor through, loaded with hay. The cows rushed the gate and squeezed past me to get out. The whole bloody herd was out, and they didn't want to go back in! It took me half an hour, and a lot of bruised up cows, to get them back in. In fact, it got downright ugly. There was no reason for their behavior except they felt like misbehaving. Despite the cold weather, I'm hot and sweaty.
10/Jan/11 5:33 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday all.
Hope you are all well and happy.
It is still raining here but lightly.
I had a heavy week at work and it might take me all of today to recover.Tomorrow I will attempt to remove the mould which is springing up in a few places.
10/Jan/11 5:43 AM
NW Brisbane
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Good Morning all.
rain. We've had 118mls (5 inches) since 9am yesterday. I've checked the radar and there is more on the way. The weather bureau predicts 7 more days of rain before we see any sun.
We're all bored. Sleeping and reading are the past times around here.
Work will keep me amused today but I have to brave the roads to get there. I'm hoping there isn't too much localised flooding. Time will tell. Time for some brekkie and then off to work.
10/Jan/11 7:47 AM
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Morning all,
Theresa, I'm glad the Benadryl works so quickly for your grandie so she isn't miserable all the time. I'm guessing school is out of the question though. I couldn't email Gath to find out why I am the only one the bird got banned. Because I use yahoo I never bothered to set up the default email on this computer and it apparently needs that to work.
Vicki, the first headline I saw this morning was 'flood focus turns to Brisbane'. I haven't read the story yet, but have already started sending dry thoughts your way!! I hope you live in a 'high' area.
Gail, i think it counts!
Theresa, forgot to say I know exactly what you mean when you described the flow on from rearranging...
MizT, I'm glad you checked in because I was worried about you!
Heidi, you'd think the food going into the paddock would encourage them to stay there - naughty cows!!
10/Jan/11 9:01 AM
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June, I was going to say I think you have the record for number of boxes emptied but then I wondered if Gail's whole room beat that? Oh well, you've made a dint!!
Nola, I'm glad you are planning a day off to recover. Mould would be starting to pop up after all of the rain. I can't use bleach while hubby is home so it would have to hang around here for a while since he is off work for 4 weeks.
Tami, I would be putting Harley out at night. You would get more sleep. But I don't know if you have fences so I take that back.
10/Jan/11 9:07 AM
qld, australia
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Good Morning my friends.
I was also
ned last night for describing how the rain was
ing down. Well as Vicki said it still is and no sign of it stopping.
10/Jan/11 9:14 AM
qld, australia
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Just heard on the news they are offering sand bags for those who are flooding, think I better move onto the boat.
10/Jan/11 9:20 AM
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Here's a shocker:
Everyone! Well, at least it's before 5:00, even though it's getting dark outside.
Hi, Suzy, Gail, Broni and June (end of page 497).
Suzy, is it really true that Theresa and I can say the name of the bird and you can't? Seems like a very subjective filter being used! And the fact that it catches you each time and boots you for 30 minutes while ignoring us saying the same thing is rather amazing!
Broni, love & hugs to you! I hope you have a better week at work this week and the boss/bosses is/are not too crabby!
Suzy, hope it got less sticky as the evening progressed so you could get some sleep!
June, from reading your post, I'm assuming that your post: "gernied all my BBQ area and the paths across the back and down the side of the house. What a great improvement. Some of the cream tiles were nearly black," has something to do with removing dirt or mildew? I will need to check in with Mr. Google after I post this.
I'm SO sorry that your friend is so miserable. I thought the chemo was targeted at problem areas and didn't realize it would impact the veins in her legs. Crossing fingers, toes, arms and legs that the next 10 days until the poison leaves her body go quickly! Gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to her - and to you, of course! Hoping this round of treatments does the trick!
10/Jan/11 9:24 AM
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Broni, are you in a flood prone area?
I just read that doctors are cautiously optimistic about the ongresswoman who was shot because she is responding to simple commands like 'hold up 2 fingers'. It stuck a chord with me because I was put through a similar test in hospital. Point to the window, point to the door, point to the door and then the window...
10/Jan/11 9:33 AM
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Julie, gernied refers to high pressure water blasting. It comes from a brand name, kind of like using a kleenex no matter what brand you buy.
10/Jan/11 9:38 AM
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The numbers seem incredible!
10/Jan/11 9:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks for the explanation, Suzy. I was wondering what gernied meant, too.
10/Jan/11 9:46 AM
qld, australia
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Zusy, no I am not in a flood prone area but the way how this rain keeps on bucketing down(surely bucket is not a swear word hehe!)roads are flooding everywhere.
10/Jan/11 9:52 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, I do live up high even if we have a creek at the back. If we get flooded then Brisbane has a very serious problem! My area is now up to 135mls in 24 hours. It was pouring just before I left.
Broni, do you think you could bring the boat up Cabbage Tree Creek if I need saving?
10/Jan/11 9:56 AM
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Well, that was interesting. A few days ago we found an injured lizard on the kitchen floor. We thought Nomnom had killed it so picked it up and put it in the kitchen garbage bin. I just took the bag out of the bin to take outside and noticed a big rip in the side of the bag followed by a tailess lizard running across the kitchen floor. I hope he finds his way outside before Nomnom finds him again!!!
10/Jan/11 10:04 AM
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I'm glad you 2 are up high!
10/Jan/11 10:09 AM
qld, australia
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Vicki with the way how everything is flooding reckon I won't need the creek..only need 1.2m of water under her.
10/Jan/11 10:24 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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It is good that I speak "metric." I have to teach it to my students even they don't understand why. I find metric easier, it is just the conversion between metric and us standard that drives me nuts.
10/Jan/11 11:17 AM
Small Town Canada
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Evening all. Grandie's birthday dinner went well, but now I have severe heartburn and acid reflux. Darn TexMex meals, I can't resist them but they don't agree with me.
Tami, Canada went metric quite a few years ago, but I am still not totally metrified (if there is such a word). I still do weights in pounds. I have learned that 500 grams of meat is close to a pound. Temperatures and distances are no problem for me in metric, just weights.
To the people from down under: please stay safe. Is this time of year normally when you get more rain? I imagine not as much as you are getting now, but is this your rainy season?
MizT, hope the storm avoids your area. Stay safe.
Well, off to clean the litter box. Yahoooo! TTFN.
10/Jan/11 12:19 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, glad the dinner went well. I have an easy time converting distance and I have a metric converter bookmarked on the computer for when I need to look something up.
10/Jan/11 12:27 PM
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