Vicki from NW Brisbane

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Victoria from Fernlands QldKiss

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   Vicki  From NW Brisbane
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Hi, You all know me as Victoria from Fernlands. This is my "at home" membership.

See you on site
28/Feb/08 6:54 PM
   Madby3  From Gold Coast, Australia
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Good to see you were not scared away with the new rules...

Welcome to your own page.

28/Feb/08 7:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great to see you Vicki, Glad you will still be with us.
28/Feb/08 8:15 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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You are,
You are more than to visit my own page any and every time you wish.
28/Feb/08 9:24 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and to you Vicki, I'm near Chicago and the sun is up this early morning - but snow is once again in the forecast tonight. Winter has stayed alittle to long this year and everyone is ready for spring. No school for the kids tomorrow - so a snow day should be fun. Have a good one,Mary
29/Feb/08 12:14 AM
   Dorthea  From San Francisco    Supporting Member
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Glad to have you aboard.
29/Feb/08 12:16 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Vicki - to your own page here in Sudokuland. I have brought you a warm apple pie fresh from the oven to enjoy and share with your guests. Please stop by sometime.
29/Feb/08 1:01 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Vicki/Victoria glad you've joined us!
29/Feb/08 1:01 AM
   Roger  From Wantage, UK
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Welcome to Sudokuland Vicki.
29/Feb/08 3:17 AM
Catherine  From No. California    Supporting Member
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Welcome, Vicki!

I'm rather new as a supporting member, that is. Love this site!
29/Feb/08 3:42 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Vicki,

So nice you have decided to join us.
29/Feb/08 3:47 AM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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29/Feb/08 5:49 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Vicki! to your own page!
I've brought to help brighten up your place!
I am so glad you've joined us!
29/Feb/08 6:37 AM
   Denny Taylor  From Shenandoah, Iowa USA    Supporting Member
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Well, welcome to you home page, Vicki. You know me as Denny, Keeper of the hounds. It's great you have your own page now.

29/Feb/08 6:39 AM
   Denny Taylor  From Shenandoah, Iowa USA    Supporting Member
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Do you know Broni??????
29/Feb/08 6:42 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Victoria, and welcome to your new page! Just dropped in to leave you my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Glad you decided to stick around this insane site! Cheers!
29/Feb/08 7:16 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Oh what fun to have you back know your way around and add to the fun of having your own page,I'mleaving a basket of goodies that made my birth city famous...pleanty os food stuff to share...and of course some bubbly to wash it all down. C U around. Peace
29/Feb/08 7:49 AM
   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Welcome back Vicki...Nice to see you.
29/Feb/08 9:40 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the gracious welcome, Vicki! By opening two accounts, I thought you just needed an extra location to say all that you need to say! XO
01/Mar/08 2:19 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Well Vicki(Victoria from Fernlands, Qld), that will teach you to open two accounts on site! Now you get a double
Of course she knows me Denny, we had lunch today silly!
01/Mar/08 7:08 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Thank you, Vicki/Victoria, for the birthday wishes! What a treat to celebrate for two days with this crazy Sudokuland crowd!
03/Mar/08 6:09 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Vicki, thanks for sharing this picture with us! What a beautiful place for a picture too.
03/Mar/08 8:14 AM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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Oh, Vicki, having only had this problem for a short time I feel for you. Six years of that! I saw the specialist today (at Coolangatta!) and the ulcer seems to have gone, but I will have to make sure the cornea and eye lid are lubricated - there was some damage before Xmas that didn't completely heal. She'll be right.
03/Mar/08 8:15 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Vicki - LOVE the new avatar!!!!
12/Mar/08 5:22 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Like you new Brisbane photos, Vicki. Thanks
19/Mar/08 3:03 PM
   k  From brissie    Supporting Member
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Thanks for remembering my birthday Vicki, I've had a lovely day (much better than my un-birthday) lunch with friends, dinner with family and some beautiful pressies. I'm fairly sure I will be able to come to Coolangatta on the 23rd, so till then ♥
02/Apr/08 11:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Vicki, have a wongerful time while you are away. Hope the weather behaves for you.

Happy Anniversary to you and Mr Vicki for Thursday.

Your silver anniversary. '83 was a very good year for weddings, wasn't it?
19/Apr/08 10:44 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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Hey, Vicki, have a wonderful vacation and a great anniversary celebration! These are special times for you!

Yeah, '83 was OK ... but ... I got mine in '69!
19/Apr/08 1:21 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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May you have a wonderful trip and enjoy each other's company fully and completely. Here's to another 25. Remember the bliss and alway leave with a kiss and "I Love You".
19/Apr/08 2:03 PM
   Martha  From Tyalgum, NSW
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See you on Wednesday!!!
19/Apr/08 4:00 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happy Silver Anniversary for next Thursday. Have a great week away at the beach.
19/Apr/08 8:38 PM
Cathy  From southern Ontario
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Vicki, just dropping by to thank you sincerely for your kind wishes and words. Every bit of encouragement and support is so very much appreciated. And Bless you and your hubby on your Anniversary! (We had our 25th last year and know what a special celebration of love that is). Enjoy your wonderful times together.
22/Apr/08 12:01 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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24/Apr/08 9:10 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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That'd be right! She beats me to everything.

Happy Silver Anniversary Vicki and Mr Vicki
1983 was a very good year for weddings!

24/Apr/08 9:56 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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I missed your 25th. So sorry. I hope it was wonderful, and looking forward to congratulating you on your 50th!
25/Apr/08 9:41 AM
ozcmom  From Queensland
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Hi there Vicki, and thanks for your welcoming note. Did I see you went to Elephant Rock this morning?? I was going to go but dozed off and was woken up by the bagpipes on the television!
25/Apr/08 7:01 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Vicki - only found this just now - was out last night.
Broni is in Greenslopes Hospital - W35, Room 14.

If you were to visit her - drive to Greenslopes Mall (on Logan Rd) park on rooftop and take shuttle bus to hospital - much easier than trying to find a park in streets around hospital.
Talk to you later.
08/May/08 8:12 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Dear Vicki,
Thank you for your support while I have been ill. I never expected such a response from this site, everyone’s concern and caring has overwhelmed me. I can only say that it is the genuine people here who make this a very unique place to share our hopes, dreams, ups and downs. So thank you for being there.
14/May/08 4:20 PM
   Kate  From Melbourne    Supporting Member
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Dear Vicki, Thank you for your caring message and much needed hugs after Mum's death. The support from everyone on this wonderful site has been amazing and very much appreciated. Like Broni, I have been overwhelmed.
19/May/08 2:41 PM
   Deb  From Calamvale
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Oh my gosh!!!! I had about 22 messages in my inbox today just from Sudoku friends wishing me a 'Happy Birthday'! Thank you so much for all of your kind thoughts and wishes especially when I haven't been around for so long. It has been a wonderful day and a lovely weekend. Rick and I went away to a romantic chalet at Springbrook with an open fireplace and we went bushwalking etc. I have uploaded a photo of Kiarah and some others onto 'my page'. Photos taken 26th May 2008. Kiarah is just about 18 months old now and still gorgeous hahaha....
27/May/08 8:20 PM
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