rwm from New Mexico USA

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Nancy  From Michigan
Check out my page
RWM welcome to Sudokuland.
23/Mar/10 12:23 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
Check out my page
sunny but cool spring day here near Chicago - enjoy your time on the site, mary
23/Mar/10 1:02 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page
rwm - hope you enjoy your page and your time here in Sudokuland. Cheers!
23/Mar/10 1:43 AM
rwm  From New Mexico USA
Check out my page
Please ignore -- just a test of special characters on this site.
' ' ' ' ' ' ` ` `
15/Oct/18 3:09 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Taos Mesa
Check out my page
Hello, rwm, where are you located? I have been in NM since May.
09/Feb/20 11:38 AM
rwm  From New Mexico USA
Check out my page
Hi, Sarah Beth
I've lived in Las Cruces NM since I was 9 years old -- I'm now 69! Actually I was away off and on during my six years of university study.
09/Feb/20 2:59 PM
rwm  From New Mexico USA
Check out my page
Please ignore.
1. (4)d3=e3-(4'8^=5)e49-(5=1)a4-i4=i5-(1=4*)f5-(4=1)f9-(1)g9=(13)gh7-(3)h1=(36-7)ac1=(7-2)a3=a6-(2=8)b6 =>
06/Apr/20 4:00 AM
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