Turner Stephen from Milton Keynes

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   HalT  From S Carolina
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Welcome to Sudokuland, Turner Stephen. I think you'll find our group a rather congenial group. Well, for the most part anyway.
10/Jan/11 2:34 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Turner Stephen - welcome, and nice to see you commenting on the site.
10/Jan/11 4:36 PM
   Kate  From Sydney
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Hi Turner Stephen. Just found your query about the Crimson Bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus - citrinus because the leaves smell like citrus!). They can live in a lot of different conditions but do like a lot of water! They say the minimum temp is 7*C but they can cope with a mild frost as you have found. We get some frost most winters where I live in Sydney. In fact the winter of 2010 one of the solar panels on our roof (for water heating) cracked from the unusually frosty winter! The bottlebrushes survived that, but they are sheltered by a neighbours trees! The Crimson Bottlebrush is one of the hardier types!
This site might help: http://www.aussiegardening.com.au/findplants/plant/Callistemon_citrinus
Hope this has been useful!!!
27/Feb/12 11:17 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi TS,
Just tried to answer this but computer got hung up??!!
The 'flowers' of the bottlebrush have adapted to Australian conditions & so have our birds & bees! Your bees are used to convention flowers so haven't worked out that they have to go deep into the 'flower'. I suppose anyway!!!
15/Oct/12 9:13 PM
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