Jackie from Canada

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Jackie! Are you Jacalmi from Canada and have changed your name? I've noticed Jacalmi wasn't posting for a while and now Jackie has turned up.
18/Jun/19 10:41 AM
Snowbird  From Merrickville
Check out my page
Jackie. I was wondering the same thing as Anne. I have also been missing Jacalmi's posts. Where in Canada are you? We are about 45 minutes south of Ottawa.
21/Jun/19 10:11 PM
saltie  From Rockhampton
Check out my page
Great minds think alike!
28/Jun/19 12:24 PM
Jackie  From Canada
Check out my page
I don't come to my page very often as you can see.I got a new computer and had to change my address . My name is really Jackie so I decided to go with it. Thanks for reading my posts. I love reading all of yours as well.
Sorry to take so long to answer your questions.
To|: Anne,Snowbird, And salty.
Oh by the way, Snowbird, I live in Deux-Montagnes, Qc.
04/Feb/20 6:01 AM
Malcolm  From England
Check out my page
Jackie - I do so love your comments on the pictures.

06/Mar/20 2:20 AM
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