Debs from Melbourne

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   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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early Saturday morning, weekend after the Thanksgiving holiday and the famous Black Friday shopping day here near Chicago - I worked so didn't get into the mess of shopping - just relaxing before the start of my day - enjoy your time on the site, Mary
28/Nov/09 11:50 PM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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Hey, Debs!
Another Aussie for the site.
Welcome to Sudloku - hope you enjoy your time here. Look forward to seeing you post soon.
29/Nov/09 10:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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, to Debs.

Great to have you here. Hope you enjoy the site as much as I have. We have quite a large contingent here in Melbourne and some of us like to get together occasionally, maybe you'd like to join us sometime.
29/Nov/09 10:08 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I wouldn't go to Chaddie in a purple fit! I was at Fountain Gate today and that was bad enough. You know it's busy when you start walking into the carpark and a car starts following you to find your soon to be vacated parking spot! I hate 'C' shopping at the best of times, (can't say that word until December, family rule) but would love to get it out of the toot sweet. We are doing a Kris Kringle this year so that means I don't have to buy for the entire family, which is how it usually ends up.
Best wishes, enjoy the site and hopefully we can meet up in the future.
ps Well done on getting an avatar so quickly, that took me months!
29/Nov/09 7:50 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi Debs! Just wanted to stop by and welcome you. I just came home from a holiday of a lifetime...visiting my sudoku friends "down-under"...stayed with Gail for the majority of the trip. What a fabulous experience. Hope I get to meet you when I return some day.
Looking forward to seeing you on the site!
01/Dec/09 2:45 AM
   mariane  From barooga, australia    Supporting Member
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Well Debs, I think you have found your way around really quickly. Gath (site creator) has done an amazing job aof setting it up and explaining things. Took me a while to decide to join, but then figures it was really cheap and I get a huge amount of enjoyment from it. There is a Christmas bash being organised by Angie (I think) in Wangaratta this weekend - I'll see if I can get you some details.
Have a great day.
03/Dec/09 6:07 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas


22/Dec/09 9:33 PM
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