Snazz from Sydney

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   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
Check out my page
to the site, Snazz. You are very quick starting your Photo Gallery.
03/Jan/18 8:12 PM
Snazz  From Sydney
Check out my page
That's about all I've managed to do!! It's taken me how long to find this page - which is why there's nothing here.
12/Jan/18 3:19 AM
Snazz  From Sydney
Check out my page
I'm having trouble uploading pics, I've tried changing them to smallest size but still too large.
12/Jan/18 10:13 AM
Snazz  From Sydney
Check out my page
Joy!! I've worked out how to upload pics!!
12/Jan/18 10:34 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Well done!
12/Jan/18 6:33 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Hello Snazz, no, we didn't see it. The two other people in the photo were Sydneysiders.
12/Jan/18 7:58 PM
Snazz  From Sydney
Check out my page
It's home is on top of a pole that has something to with the weather monitoring.
12/Jan/18 8:06 PM
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