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Common Zebra  -  Amboseli, Kenya

Common Zebra - Amboseli, Kenya

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   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Was this taken with a telephoto lens or were you right up close & personal with this guy?! Great photo. My husband & I hope to go to Africa in 2009.
26/Jul/07 3:14 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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Got the comment on the Photo page. However, it probably would be best to leave coment on the person's page - if a reply is wanted. Reason - the individual does not know a comment was posted, unless they have opened up their picture.

Zebra was taken with a telephoto lense, picture was also cropped.
26/Jul/07 4:14 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Looks like he/she's puckering up for a kiss!
08/Aug/07 11:31 PM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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He is smiling for the camera!
30/Jan/08 1:04 PM
Betty  From Boston
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What is Tipper? You say you see turkeys and deer in your yard and Tipper does not chase them very far, but then you say Tipper chases dogs and cats. And would have chased the fox. Hm.... what species is Tipper?
02/Jun/08 6:45 AM
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