Jaz Fearlessly Navigates Past Alligator mississippiensis

In Everglades National Park, Shark Valley Center, you can rent bikes and take the 17-mile road, closed to nearly all vehicular traffic except bikes. Alligators love to lay on warm pavement to heat themselves, much to the chagrin of visitors. We saw over 200 that day but I bet Jaz remembers this one most.

In Everglades National Park, Shark Valley Center, you can rent bikes and take the 17-mile road, closed to nearly all vehicular traffic except bikes. Alligators love to lay on warm pavement to heat themselves, much to the chagrin of visitors. We saw over 200 that day but I bet Jaz remembers this one most.

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page
23/Dec/09 6:07 PM
   Jaz  From Melbourne, Australia    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Those people look to be saying "We will let her go first and see what happens" LOL I was not even aware that they were there.
05/Jan/10 11:05 PM
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