Glamorous Mimi

Silvertot and "Glamorous Mimi", Nov 2002, from our trip out west.  I'm not sure who loved this more!

Silvertot and "Glamorous Mimi", Nov 2002, from our trip out west. I'm not sure who loved this more!

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Judy  From San Diego
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What a surprise! I came here expecting to see Silvertot all dressed up ... and we got Grandma! LOL! She looks great! And exhausted! Thanks for the photo!
18/May/15 6:39 AM
   Aileen  From California    Supporting Member
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Aww, 'Glamourous Mimi' was a good sport!
Dress up is always fun!
18/May/15 6:50 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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I wouldn't know about that, Aileen. But they look like they're having fun.
18/May/15 7:38 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I know who's having more fun. Love the pic!
18/May/15 1:46 PM
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