
A little collage of our chooks Sweet Pea and Barnabee.

A little collage of our chooks Sweet Pea and Barnabee.

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   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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This is fabulous! You must give CynB a head's up on this collage...she's on holiday right now, but will be home soon.
28/Sep/08 1:55 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Lovely chooks - Vici did give me the heads up but I hadn't got a chance to look until now.

Yes, I was sorry to have missed meeting you too, hope you're feeling better now, it was a cold windy day so lucky you didn't venture out into it. I managed to get asthma over there. I think the wind and the pollen contributed to that. But we had a wonderful time and found WA to be a superb place, very tourist friendly and left the East coast, especially Brisbane for dead.
29/Sep/08 6:06 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Another great collage!
18/Dec/08 8:17 AM
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