Tasmanian Native Hen

Also known as turbo chook. It runs very fast and uses its wings for balance - flightless. Only found in Tasmania.

Also known as turbo chook. It runs very fast and uses its wings for balance - flightless. Only found in Tasmania.

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youkidme  From southern highlands    Supporting Member
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Another interesting bird. As it is flightless, is there a danger of it becoming extinct, either by predators - man or animal ? Also I wonder whether the aboriginal tribes used them for food.?
31/Jan/13 1:29 PM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
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Its thriving youkidme. I think there is very little chance of them becoming extinct. They don't have much sense around cars, but they are very wary and noisy birds. I don't know about Aboriginal food, though. The early pioneers recipe for cooking them was:
Place hen in pot with a rock. When the rock is soft, throw away the chook and eat the rock.
31/Jan/13 1:47 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Great photo!
31/Jan/13 9:05 PM
jacalmi  From Canada
Check out my page
Ha Ha, Sacky. Great comment.
24/Jan/16 7:07 AM
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