Turkey Vulture "Eagles"

A few visits ago to the Everglades, a German tourist repeatedly asked me, "Vot ist zee name of zees Eagles?" and pointed at the hundreds of black vultures and turkey vultures circling overhead. They overwinter in the Everglades by the thousands. He would not accept my answer, "Black & Turkey Vultures". When he asked the third time, "No, No! Zees Eagles!!! Vot are zey?" I couldn't help myself and responded "Turkey Vulture Eagles". That answer, he accepted! They roost at Royal Palm.

A few visits ago to the Everglades, a German tourist repeatedly asked me, "Vot ist zee name of zees Eagles?" and pointed at the hundreds of black vultures and turkey vultures circling overhead. They overwinter in the Everglades by the thousands. He would not accept my answer, "Black & Turkey Vultures". When he asked the third time, "No, No! Zees Eagles!!! Vot are zey?" I couldn't help myself and responded "Turkey Vulture Eagles". That answer, he accepted! They roost at Royal Palm.

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page
30/Oct/09 6:24 AM
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