Kitchen Renovation

This is the almost finished sink area. Still much to do, but that is just about it for the structural work, now it is cosmetic. Note the blue square above the dishwasher-that will be the colour of the cupboards, the walls will be a light yellow

This is the almost finished sink area. Still much to do, but that is just about it for the structural work, now it is cosmetic. Note the blue square above the dishwasher-that will be the colour of the cupboards, the walls will be a light yellow

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
Check out my page
Looking good Gail :)
16/Mar/12 12:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
Check out my page
I really like what you're doing.
16/Mar/12 1:24 PM
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