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Easy Sudoku for 21/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Chrissy  From Canberra
Gosh Bill, it takes quite a bit of effort to get things back on track, but it sounds like you are getting there. Keep up that wonderful work with the computers, it's a very noble cause. I have a computer here that I was thinking of donating for a similar purpose.
Hello Cathy, nice to see you popping your head in.
cathy  From country, south australia
Hi Chrissy! just popped back on here, so I can say bye to everyone and to sign off as I've got to do some work off line, as it's really hard to concertrate when your pc keeps beeping or things pop up on screen to let you know there is another message coming in. So it's Byeeee!!!! and hopefully will catch up with everyone tomorrow? won;t have to work to much then as have to take oldest hormone to see orthodontic surgeon in the afternoon!
Bill  From Woolwich London UK
Goodnight All, enjoy the party.
Thank You Chrissy xxx
cathy  From country, south australia
MLC, of course you can! our parties and cruises are for everyone here all you need is 1:good sense of humour, 2:know how to have fun, 3:at times a perverted mind!!,4:don't take everything literally,as it is just only good fun!5:don't let people know what your costume is,otherwise we will know who you are,and that's no fun? and lastly welcome on board the Lady Sudoku
rosemary  From wangaratta
3.18 missed that 3 minutes again! have a great party on Lady Sudoku unfortunately I feel a little sea sick already this morning so unable to attend.
Bob Harvey  From Philadelphia, PA
11:47 Is the TIME......Very good for the first time......Study as she goes!!!!
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
So what is everyone's costumes? It's obvious what mine is (cackle,cackle) who pinched my broomstick? Ted do you have it? men don't use them or ride them either,so get off and give it back! or I'll zaaappp you, and yes it will hurt? oh! wrong thing to say!!! silly,silly Crone?
Rosalie  From NYC
Solved my first puzzle, hurrah!
to a Pom  From from all Aussies
Who just beat who in the Tri-Nations Rugby League!! and who beat the Windies in the Cricket!! Us Aussies are multi-talented
bluey  From Port Kembla
Oh ooh rethink needed! will definitely not be wearing the Bunny suit to the party - tooo many cats around!
zac steinhardt  From queensland
i can't belive how fast i done that good luck to you other people
Chrissy  From Canberra
I'm thinking of going as either Lady Godiva or Eve. Does anyone know where I can pick up a fig leaf? It's not that I'm trying to flaunt my booty, but more a case of trying to pinch pennies. Hang on...there is a magnolia tree outside my window and those leaves look pretty big. A few hundred of them might even make up to a dress.
Rosalie  From NYC
Did it in 6:47, good enough for a first timer?
aaaardavark  From Lynnwood, WA
tweety bird  From lady sudoku
ooooh wrong choice i think with so may felines around -
oh well, get me something to ruffle my feathers with, please bill.
and i'll pass on the penguin platters thank you - cant go consuming your own species!!!
dmd  From Ontario
6:05 Not bad, slow tonight
Christine  From Australia
OM  From Fl
Matched Donna with a 2:08
tweety bird  From sipping contentedly
ahhhh that is lovely - now for some hocolate
wo attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they produced sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat.

The owner became quite concerned and marched over and told them, 'You can't eat your own sandwiches in here!'

The attorneys looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and then exchanged sandwiches.
Maria  From Rhode Island
dave  From perth
under 5 min
Terri  From Longwood, Florida
Beautiful picture. I've quit timing too - I just enjoy the puzzle...
Willis  From Minnesota
First time I've timed myself - 8:09
Nancy  From Pa,USA
4:12 PIC came on real slow,maybe our times are faster then timer says, I thought I went faster. Been busy painting livingroom (I thought of the 2 coat blonde!) Put up Christmas lights,it allways seems that half of them don't work and I can never find whats wrong.I guess I should just get new every year.Bye now.
Ginger  From Calgary Canada
Lovely scene. This is going to sound rather pathetic, but, woo-hoo! I got under 5 minutes! 4:58. I guess doing the puzzle at home is better than trying to do it at work!
jessy  From australia
bad time 4:50!
Am distracted cos oprah is on in the background (haha)
nice photo!
nana-ko  From japan ;)
It ras pretty hard even though it was set on easy , i really enjoy this and rook foward to visiting autrarian websites again
nanoko  From far far away
halla halla ..my name is nanako and i enjoy website rery much..i look forward to seeing austrarian website again..thankyou nich no mao
Jackie  From California
this is awesome!!!!1
the jester  From at the front door
Here I am directly from the italian court.
What better place to court italians?

Get it?
Karen  From Canada
Lovely beach pic.....wish I was there trying to improve my time....
lulu  From brisbane
i am white
Aileen  From California
Sunday 8:35pm over here
Thanks for the link, Bill; fun to see what the other Sudokuists look like after all the chatting...
Been a nice day--Thanksgiving potluck at church, where my dish was totally consumed :-)
Then a fun Sisters in Crime meeting, followed by a yummy grilled salmon, asparagus and rice dinner, capped by fun times on this site!
Jim  From Tyabb, Victoria
3:25 off to a great start for me. Aileen grilled salmon and asparagus sounds fantastic, and making extremely hungry.
Aileen  From California
LOL, Jim--where is Tyabb?
Is the Victoria in British Columbia? Bet there's even BETTER salmon over there!
Figured I needed something easy to make for dinner tonight since the meeting went til 5pm.
The leg of lamb will have to wait until my next day off in a couple of days...
john  From texas
hi all
Jim  From Tyabb, Victoria
Aileen, Tyabb is on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, Australia. I have had some good salmon from here, but currently I am work, thinking about tea for tonight and that made me very hungry and keen for salmon.
Aileen  From California
Thanks for the info, Jim.
As a typical American, alas, my knowledge of geography is sadly limited.
Checking Yahoo!, it looks like it is a suburb of Melbourne?
When you say, 'tea', is that your evening meal?
Sorry to come off so ignorant!
Fraz  From melbourne
hi everyone. I've been offline for a few days busy with visitors and planning my Christmas holidays to the U.K. and Malta (exciting!)
Back now and getting cold waiting at the door to enter the costume party. It's this costume - it's not particularly warm, though it has style (of a sort) and some charm. Who's that behind the black diamante mask clutching a clipboard and ticking off names? I have something for you in this brown paper bag...
Jim  From Tyabb, Vic. Aus.
Aileen yes tea is our evening meal. Tyabb is about 45mins from the centre of melbourne.
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