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Easy Sudoku for 21/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Mistress Kitten and  From The Naughty Mitten
Ted are you dressing up where is your costume? The ball has started and you must dress for the occasion.
Saed  From Ramallah
sleepy though ... doorek!:)
depps hot  From chocolate pot
anyone want to melt with me? choc is hot be careful!! this is one ball fiona, susan lets party.
Bill  From Woolwich London UK
Welkom Eddy From Belgie

hier is het fijn voor een zeer kille herfstavond
Mistress Kitten and  From The Naughty Mitten
Bill are joining us at the ball? I do hope so for your peguin game was such fun and you are a man of goodness and kind heart, and would be purrfect for the occasion
Roby  From Aosta - ITA
Devo esportare l'italianità
Philip  From Ireland
3:50 -- OK
a-one  From adelaide
morning all....

off to do the puzzle now... hey, suz, hh, gloria, ted... wait for me!!! save some hocolate and those penguin canapes look yummmmmm...
Maggie  From The Gong Oz.
3.34 Yea - First time under 4 minutes I think.
a-one  From adelaide
04.17 - now off to the party...
kel  From brissie
2:48-not bad for a monday!
Jan  From Rhode Island
4:15. Sunday evening on a warm fall day.
Linda  From Oregon
5:22..slow also here
Tigrrrrrrrrr!  From the forests of the night
Well, well, Mistress Kitten! Do I spy andre behind that bewhiskered mask? Is the naughty mitten a clue? Beware, for a REAL cat has prowled into the party. A swish of my tail, a glass of bolly in one paw; did you ever see such a dignified yet debonair feline? (brushes whiskers with other front paw) Grrrrr for now
Chrissy  From Canberra
Hi Guys, hope you all had a nice weekend. Sorry to disappoint, but I am neither psychic nor meduim, just a guesser with a vivid imagination. I am often wrong - Col, at first I thought you were a tall, dark haired male who wore a red flannelette shirt and who lived in outer Melbourne or country Victoria. Then I realised you were actually 'Colleen' and was thrown into a tizz. So I can be horribly wrong! HH and Andre kind of blend in together as you both have very similar personalities. I ima
Wynelle  From Alaska
Just found the site...I think that I can't use the time difference as an excuse for not being quicker...
Chrissy  From Canberra
...imagine you are both shorter than my 5'7' but HH always makes me feel she has straight, light brown hair and is a happy-go-lucky talker. I see both these ladies in pants more than skirts. Fiona you have that wonderful Scots/Brit humour and probably belong to the 'straight hair set'. You are a bit of a paradox because sometimes I imagine you as the rough 'n tumble almost country type girl (40ish), then abruptly you are the chic, scrubbed-up-well sophisticate, (almost Parisienne). So now t
Chrissy  From Canberra
...tell me how far out I am from the truth! Lol!
Mistress Kitten and  From The Naughty Mitten
Tigrrrrrrrrr! forests of the night
purrfect timing but are you right?
felines felines everywhere,
don't just hiss meow and stare
We have in our midst some fur tonight
Pass the sardines and shake booty all night
growl (small growl am only a kitten :) )
Bill  From Woolwich London UK
to Chrissy From Canberra
Save you guessing about me
val  From bolton england
5:24 one of my best, but can't get under 5:00.
Jeff  From Miami
My 1st sudoku was given to me in math class, we had a great time doing it, we had nooo idea how though...
val  From bolton england
hi first on even if it is on page three of postings
Ed  From Lithia, Fl.
Hi Sue from CT, You got the right idea, enjoy it, and you end up liking it more. Todays was not as hard as most. Take care.
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
Well it's about time this partttyyy got started! and I think you maybe right tiger, it well be andre? so if a person is found out do they have to pronounce who they are, or do we have to prove who they are? Well better get back to the cauldron, and whip up a spell or two as I think we might need them for Ted?
cathy  From country, south australia
Hi! everyone, looks like the fancy costume party is well under way? love the costumes we have already? some very smart cookies here! might take some guessing.
dean  From Santa Cruz
its Sunday noon at 4:09
puzzle time was 4.39
Temp 90 F.
and hopped up on Slurpees and
Going to see Harry Potter
To Bill  From from Chrissy
Lovely guy, lots of character - Oh Bill, that's you. Why I would have known you anywhere! I love what you do (revamping the computers), and fancy you liking the Seekers, an Aussie group from way back. Thank you for the pic.
Vicki  From Cairns Aust
4.28 finally under 5 mins. Very hot 32c here.
Think I might go for a swim at the beach, which will take all of 5 mins to walk to.
Bill  From Woolwich London UK
Yes, I fell madly in love with Judith Durham.
She sings Jazz as well, a beautiful voice.
Afraid she never noticed a pimply acne faced youth.
Ah well, better to have loved and lost ....
At least I still have the music.
Bill  From Chrissy
There was no-one else who could do Georgie Girl justice, and Judith Durham has a very original voice. I'm no longer a fan, but they were the ants pants here in their heyday. Perhaps you were noticed Bill, did you find your true love eventually?
Eve  From Staunton VA
Took me 15 minutes. Nice site.
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
Susan, how do we know it's Fiona passing out the food, also are we only going to have penguin to eat? we might need something different eventually to eat? as for the alchol well we need not worry about that? as there is always plenty to go around!!!!hic,excuse me!
cathy  From country, south australia
Bill my aunty would love you she is such a big fan of The Seekers! although she was only in her late teens or early 20's, I think I like some of their music, and Georgie Girl could never be sung by any else as good as Judith!
Bill  From Woolwich London UK
I am now married with 5 Children and lost count of Grandchildren. I had a daughter who was severly handicapped, she died in April this year. I am still trying to get into a new routine.
Mark  From Michigan
2:52! Under 3 minutes finally
Malvino  From Sydney
3.15 Beautiful Sunset (or Sunrise?)
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
Well I've got one spell done, this should help us stay on our feet for when and if we hit rough seas? no we won't be able to fly! you silly boys! I am off to do the next one, this one will be for those on board who might need a smack!!occasionally. so Basil can you please get me a glass of something? I don't know as long as it has alchol in it!!!!
to all the Aussies  From A Pom
Congratulations on reaching next years World Cup finals. It's nice to see you finally found a sport that you're good at ! ;¬)
Can I come to the costume party? I will come dressed as a horny beast!
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