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Easy Sudoku for 21/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Alex  From Rhode Island
Took me 1 hour and 4 minutes to finish my first sudoku.
Jane  From Wales
2:29 You're right HH the race is against yourself.
Nice pic
Susie  From Utopia NB
Love it.
chris  From san diego
2:40 Woo hoo! Hey, Garth, where's the picture of my dog?
F  From Mallorca
4.59 first time under 5 yippee, still can't understand how anyone can get under 3
mb  From taiwan
Q: How many senior citizens does it take to change a light bulb?
A: That's all right, dear. I will wait in the dark however many weeks it takes for my daughter (she never calls) to come do it for me.
david a  From manchester uk
6.35 in the evening. That's the time here, not how long it took me!
Sue  From CT
thanks for the jokes...I love them! I'm with you HH, the time is just for me, but the last few days I've gotten so anxious trying to go faster, and lost the fun of it. So I'm going to take a break from the timer and get back the the pure fun of figuring the puzzles out. (And no, my times were never all that good which was part of the frustration.)
Misty  From Ky.
Slow today but the weather is nice. Have a great one.
aRvEe  From Manila, Philippines
4:47! i finally surpassed my 5 min barrier! i'm really happy with the improvement...
andrĂ©  From england
3:52 not to bad at all. Hi everyone 'Lady Sudoku' costume to follow shortly!!

Joke for the Day:

An optician is speaking to a patient, 'When did you last have your eyes checked?' The patient replies, 'Never, they've always been brown.'
Kate  From Kansas
6:14-Better every day.
Thanks for LOL, jsherp!
And TYVM to Dan S for making me have to look up a new phrase! Love new words.
Eddy  From Belgie
Heel fijn voor een kille herfstavond
Alex from Rhode Island  From Joy,
To Alex from Rhode Island  From Joy, Oregon, USA
Glad to see there are other newbies not even THINKING about 3 minute times. Hang in there.
Vic  From Oatley
3.51 for me
Monika  From Brookklyn,NY
hey first time i timesd myself it took me 00:08:13 not too bad considering i usually play a game of Sudoku for like 30 mins on my way to school...
LP  From Pioneer
It has been warm and dry here the past couple of weeks. I'm about ready for some rain! However, it is nice to have good weather for the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities and travels.

I'm off to make bread to be used in the turkey stuffing...
GiGi  From Sylacauga Alabama
5:09... Another beautiful day in Alabama.

Auburn 28
Alabama 18

The 13-Year-Old  From New Jersey
Gorgeous pic, really slow today (over ten minutes) but I really have to get back to my homework.

Saw the Goblet of Fire today, made perfect sense to me (as a fan) but probably didn't make any sense to anyone else.
Jack  From Beer Sheva
I am full of admiration of all of you who makes it in less than 10:00. I never succeede to go leeser than 9:52

But there is still hope. Yesterday I celebrated my 80th anniversary and hope to get lower time in the years to come.
mag  From in
how do u guys do these so fast???
mag  From in
i cant even do them under half an hour!?!?
mag  From in
how was the goblet of fire??
ML  From OR
7:08 this morning. Not too bad. I love the jokes and pictures too.
tigerrrcat  From Berlin
no aids
gloria  From sydney Oz
Hi everyone, Have been with you in spirit, but haven't posted comment because I wasn't too sure where I was. One minute in a plane cold outside, next Lady Sudoku, now I have to think of costumes! Soccer still main topic of conversation and media hype in Sydney. I'm even getting fed up watching that man rip off his shirt
gloria  From sydney Oz
Are the chips invited to dress up?
3:40 with the red-help-flash ON-
But I don't get Toooomany 'flashes'!
Put upOne Big Snowflake in a large window!
I shall light it Friday-as does Saks 5th Avenue!
Michele from Wilmington  From NC
Oh so slow as usual....7:59
mags  From berkshire
i did it.
DEE  From Luton-England
Tony  From N.Y
I like this game
Mistress Kitten and  From The Naughty Mitten
'Lady Sudoku' lets purrty!!!! are we going to have a ball. Gloria lets get with it!!
Mistress Kitten  From The Naughty Mitten
Susan ingham where are you girrrll, pass me a little milk so i can lap up the atmosphere.
Purrfect purrfect....
Mistress Kitten  From The Naughty Mitten
now for some peguin something to get my teeth into i so love this boat it makes me float!!
Mistress Kitten and  From The Naughty Mitten
purr, purr, is no-one floating on this boat. Do i have to lap my milk all by myself?

Said while stretching across the pillows.
Ted S  From Melbourne Australia
4:51 & A tempting scene for a Monday morning(Beach at sunset). Good morning all you Sudokuers, looking forward to a fabulous week of challengers, laughs and prosperity. Have a good one All.
Jenny  From Toronto
4:54 Yay! 1st time under 5:00.
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