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Easy Sudoku for 21/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Robyn  From Adelaide
Midnight. I'm first.
Robyn  From Adelaide
5:39 slow and steady wins the race.
Terry  From Rushden, England
Havn't done the puzzle yet, but I'm third to post comment.
ossie  From oswego
early today
Tim  From
Tim  From Ohio
3:30 slower than yesterday but just as fast posting comments as yestrday
ossie  From oswego
where's the beach ??
Mary  From Southern Ontario
Good Morning,
Its a nice sunny day, kind of cool, but i guess you would expect that in November, Hope weather stays like this until i get to the hospital in Toronto and back home again,Have a great day all off to do the puzzle
Jane  From Brissie
5.35 slow as usual
Glenn  From Orlando
4:49 for me. I just don't see how you guys get such fast times! I have been lurking here for a while and I have never beaten 3:00 even once!! I'm starting to feel inadequate...
Glenn  From Orlando
Heck - anything under 5:00 is an accomplishment for me!
fi  From NT
4:40 and 10 mins til midnight
catherine  From f
a quiet sunday afternoon...
fi  From NT
Yep Glen. Under 5 is an accomplishment for me too!
tracey  From melbourne
3:58. does it count if i pause the timer to continue my conversation on msn?
Wow - Sunset on the beach - One of my very favorite seens - completion time 12:37 - Sunday breakfast time here and to many distractions - I'll try late - One good thing about the puzzle you can do it over and over and it is still fun.
Dan S  From Wisconsin, USA
2:31. Multiple coffees before doing so--possibly a sine qua non of good scores.

Good Sunday to all!
sam  From Michigan
7:10 not bad for me. i guess i am a bit slow
mb  From england
Roland  From Switzerland
still Sunday over here
Rob  From Liverpool
Susan  From Ingham, Australia
I didn't know that I had the job of declaring the costume ball open (probably because I thought it was a costume cruise), but here goes. The costume ball is NOW OPEN. You must enter through the door where fiona stands, and accept whatever penguin delicacy she offers you! The rules follow...
Susan  From costume ball
1. Ted, you may not come as a fig leaf, bikini top/bottom, garter or any other such item!
2. Once you enter, you cannot then go to sleep and never post again. How are we to guess who you are if you don't post?
3. Sober people will be 'asked' to leave (via the plank).
4. I have THE stateroom you can share the other 'staterooms'.
5. For your own protection, do not dress as a penguin.
Susan  From costume ball, Tahiti
Well that was a quick flight to catch Lady Sudoku. I'm off for a few hours, ready to come back in costume. See if you can pick me. Are you ready Crone, Wart and Dean's friend (can't remember who that was) and all our mutual friends? Where are you SweetRascal - haven't heard from you since your sad posting?
Donna  From Ohio
2:08, time to do the medium then have to get ready for church. Sunny day here, but haven't been outside yet.
Nicky  From Northants
3.25 ~ Well it is Sunday afternoon.
Terry, Rushden ~ I am just outside of Kettering, we are almost neighbours.
jsherp  From illinois
St Peter decides to take the day off to go fishing, so Jesus offers to keep an eye on the Pearly Gates. He is not sure what to do, so Peter tells him to find out a bit about people as they arrive in Heaven, and this will help him decide if he can let them in.

After a while, Jesus sees a little old man with white hair approaching who looks very, very familiar. He asks the old man to tell him about himself. The old man says, 'I had a very sad life. I was a carpenter and had a son who I lost at
jsherp  From illinois
a relatively young age, and although he was not my natural child, I loved him dearly.'

Jesus welled up with emotion. He threw his arms around the old man and cried, 'Daddy!'

The old man replied, 'Pinocchio?'
Paul  From Perth
4.22 - Not to bad for a first-timer
sweetie  From us
3:20 on a glorious Sunday morning
Roland  From Québec city Canada
Bonne journéée â tous
Lauren  From Adelaide, now in Toronto
3:04, not bad for first thing when I get up
3:35. I let up in the middle a bit. Nice beach pic. Sunrise or sunset? It is so cool in South Florida today, I may have to put on shoes and a shirt.
Peter  From Ohio
2:40 before my first full cup of coffee. Maybe that's the secret!
mg  From Ontario
4:45. Have to focus, finish the medium and go outside to rake leaves while the whether holds out.
Sarah  From Akwesasne Mohawk Nation, USA
4:30, my first time, on a gloomy Sunday morning...
wemaaq  From St Paul Is. Alaska
Nice puzzle. Nice day.
Ulrich  From Frankfurt/Germany
5:57 - slow as usual, but I do not think that I have to compete in the 'Donna - League'. Going to Mozart's 'Requiem' in 30 minutes. Just time to do the medium before...
Paul  From Wonga Park/Australia
4:25 - Not too bad for my first timed game
HH  From England
3.11 Glenn - I just time myself for fun, and the race is really against me, no-one else. I don't always even post times - just enjoy the game.
jsherp, thanks for lol :))
Susan - do we just post as our costumes then figure out who we all are?
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